Building some AI agents on top of the ChessDotNet library, which can be found at:
There are two projects:
This is a simple Console application that plays chess games and outputs to the console window (stdout).
Update local variables in Program.Main to adjust how it plays:
- showChessMoves - false by default, set to true to show all chess moves played on both sides of every game. Algebraic chess notation.
- showGameResults - true by default, shows the summarized result of each game
- gamesToPlay - 10,000 by default
- gameBatchSize - 100 games / batch
The default agent for both white and black players is RandomAgent, which very simply picks a random valid move. When playing Random vs Random, I've found each to checkmate the other side 7.5% of the time.
var gamePlayer = new AutoChessGamePlayer
WhitePlayer = new RandomAgent(),
BlackPlayer = new RandomAgent()
// play a single game
var gameResult = gamePlayer.PlayGame();
// play a batch of 100 games
var stats = gamePlayer.PlayGames(100);
You can switch out one or both of the agents, try the first version of the SpatialControlMaximizerAgent, or build your own IChessAgent and play it against another agent--or itself.
For example:
var gamePlayer = new AutoChessGamePlayer
WhitePlayer = new RandomAgent(),
BlackPlayer = new SpatialControlMaximizerAgent()
This project is the beginning of a collection of tools for building AI agents on top of ChessDotNet, which provides a nice, simple set of abstractions and APIs for manipulating chess pieces on a board, cloning board positions, validating moves, enumerating valid moves, and much more.
So far these chess AI tools are organized into:
- Agents - IChessAgent, RandomAgent, SpatialControlMaximizerAgent, and additional agents
- Scoring - ChessBoardScoreCard, an 8x8 int matrix for scoring position-specific data
- Search - prioritized queues, solution search trees, and related tools to support prioritized Monte Carlo expansion toward goal
Implementing a new agent is easy using the IChessAgent interface.
public interface IChessAgent
Move GenerateMove(ChessGame game);
For example, the random play agent looks like this:
public class RandomAgent : IChessAgent
Random random = new Random();
public Move GenerateMove(ChessGame game)
if (!game.HasAnyValidMoves(game.WhoseTurn))
return null;
var moves = game.GetValidMoves(game.WhoseTurn).ToList();
var randomIndex = random.Next(0, moves.Count);
return moves[randomIndex];