Mesmerizing eye-candy plasma goodness now in your console!
asciiPlasma is a C port of Lee W. Fastenau's javascript asciiPlasma. You might also want to check out a reddit discussion that inspired this port.
$ gcc -Wall -g -O2 -o asciiPlasma asciiPlasma.c -lm -lncurses
$ ./asciiPlasma
- custom terminal dimensions as parameters (-w and -h)
- option to switch between PAL1 and PAL2 at runtime (-1 and -2)
- use colors/shades of gray on the palette (256 color terminals?)
- optional text message to be displayed in the middle ([-m <message>])
- handle terminal resizing gracefully
- redirect output to another terminal (mesmerize your co-workers in troll-mode!)
keywords: linux ascii art animation console ncurses plasma xterm