NooBaa is an object data service for hybrid and multi cloud environments. NooBaa runs on kubernetes, provides an S3 object store service (and Lambda with bucket triggers) to clients both inside and outside the cluster, and uses storage resources from within or outside the cluster, with flexible placement policies to automate data use cases.
Install latest operator CLI (or pick from the releases page):
# or
VERSION=$(curl -s | jq -r '.name')
curl -LO$VERSION/noobaa-$OS-$VERSION
chmod +x noobaa-$OS-$VERSION
mv noobaa-$OS-$VERSION /usr/local/bin/noobaa
Install with Mac Homebrew:
brew install noobaa/noobaa/noobaa
Install NooBaa to Kubernetes:
# Prepare namespace and set as current (optional)
kubectl create ns noobaa
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace noobaa
# Install the operator and system on your cluster:
noobaa install
# You can always get system status and information with:
noobaa status
- Help:
noobaa --help
- kubeconfig: - same as kubectl - The CLI operates on the current context from kubeconfig which can be changed with
export KUBECONFIG=/path/to/custom/kubeconfig
or use the --kubeconfig and --namespace flags. - minikube: use
noobaa install --mini
in order to allocate less resources. - Uninstalling:
noobaa uninstall
The CLI helps with most management tasks and focuses on ease of use for manual operations or scripts.
Here is the top level usage:
$ noobaa --help
._ _ ______
| \ | | | ___ \
| \| | ___ ___ | |_/ / __ _ __ _
| . \ |/ _ \ / _ \| ___ \/ _\ |/ _\ |
| |\ | (_) | (_) | |_/ / (_| | (_| |
\_| \_/\___/ \___/\____/ \__,_|\__,_|
install Install the operator and create the noobaa system
uninstall Uninstall the operator and delete the system
status Status of the operator and the system
backingstore Manage backing stores
bucketclass Manage bucket classes
obc Manage object bucket claims
diagnose Collect diagnostics
ui Open the NooBaa UI
operator Deployment using operator
system Manage noobaa systems
api Make api call
bucket Manage noobaa buckets
pvstore Manage noobaa pv store
crd Deployment of CRDs
olm OLM related commands
Other Commands:
completion Generates bash completion scripts
options Print the list of global flags
version Show version
Use "noobaa <command> --help" for more information about a given command.
$ noobaa options
The following options can be passed to any command:
--db-image='centos/mongodb-36-centos7': The database container image
--db-storage-class='': The database volume storage class name
--db-volume-size-gb=0: The database volume size in GB
--image-pull-secret='': Image pull secret (must be in same namespace)
--kubeconfig='': Paths to a kubeconfig. Only required if out-of-cluster.
--master='': The address of the Kubernetes API server. Overrides any value in kubeconfig. Only required if
--mini=false: Signal the operator that it is running in a low resource environment
-n, --namespace='noobaa': Target namespace
--noobaa-image='noobaa/noobaa-core:5.6.0': NooBaa image
--operator-image='noobaa/noobaa-operator:5.6.0': Operator image
--pv-pool-default-storage-class='': The default storage class name for BackingStores of type pv-pool
$ noobaa version
INFO[0000] CLI version: 5.10.0
INFO[0000] noobaa-image: noobaa/noobaa-core:5.10.0
INFO[0000] operator-image: noobaa/noobaa-operator:5.10.0
- Verify that there are enough resources for noobaa pods:
kubectl describe pod | less
kubectl get events --sort-by .metadata.creationTimestamp
- Make sure that there is a single default storage class:
kubectl get sc
- or specify which storage class to use with
noobaa install --db-storage-class XXX --pv-pool-default-storage-class YYY
- About NooBaa
- CRDs
- NooBaa - The basic CRD to deploy a NooBaa system.
- BackingStore - Storage resources.
- NamespaceStore - Data resources.
- BucketClass - Policies applied to a class of buckets.
- OBC Provisioner - Method to claim a new/existing bucket.
- Fork and clone the repo:
git clone<username>/noobaa-operator
- Use minikube:
minikube start
- Use your package manager to install
. - Source the devenv into your shell:
- Build the project:
- Test with the alias
that runs the local operator frombuild/_output/bin
(alias created by devenv) - Install the operator and create the system with:
nb install