This project solves linear-quadratic dynamic optimization (LQDO) problems using direct transcription (DT) and quadratic programming (QP)
- Download the DT QP Project
- Run INSTALL_DTQP.m to automatically add the project files to your MATLAB path, download the required files, and open an example
- See DTQP_template.m for some examples illustrating how to implement different linear-quadratic dynamic optimization (LQDO) problem elements using the structure-based syntax of the DT QP Project
help DTQP_template
- See BrysonHo166.m for an example with problem setup and options
open BrysonHo166
Please cite the following two items if you use the DT QP Project:
- DR Herber. Advances in Combined Architecture, Plant, and Control Design. PhD Dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA, Dec. 2017. [bibtex] [pdf]
- Discusses the theory behind this project and contains a number of examples comparing the different methods.
- DR Herber, YH Lee, JT Allison. DT QP Project, GitHub. url:
See INSTALL_DTQP.m for more information.
- MATLAB File Exchange Submission IDs (8773, 23629, 31272, 40397, 47023)