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Code and graphics for modders creating Factorio planets, moons and other systems.

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Code, graphics and conventions to help modders creating planets, moons and other systems. This library is a community project and will grow over time. Anyone is welcome to open a pull request on Github. For feature requests, please open an issue. For general discussion, use Discord.


Notes for contributors

  • In your pull requests, please list your changes in changelog.txt to be included in the next release. Please also update to add sections for your new functionality (even with only 'Documentation pending') and add yourself to the contributors list.
  • Contributions MUST be tested before a PR is made, ideally with multiple planets installed.
  • We aim to avoid any breaking changes.
    • If an API is removed from the documentation, that does not mean it is no longer supported.
  • Feel free to use the file

Planet definitions

PlanetsLib provides an API to define planets and space locations.

The reasons one may choose to use it over a plain data:extend are that you can specify positions with respect to a parent body. If the parent body is moved by another mod your planet will move with it. A sprite for the orbit can also be supplied.

  • PlanetsLib:extend(configs) — A wrapper/replacement for data:extend. Should not be called in data-final-fixes. Throws an error if passed distance or orientation. Each config instead takes the fields listed below.
    • type"planet" or "space-location"
    • orbit — Object containing orbital parameters:
      • parent — Object containing name and type fields, corresponding to a parent at data.raw[type][name]. Planets in the original solar system should have an orbit with type = "space-location" and name = "star".
      • distance — Number — orbital distance from parent
      • orientation — Number — orbital angle from parent (0-1). Note that orientation is absolute, not relative to the parent's orientation.
      • sprite — Object (optional) — Sprite for the planet’s orbit. This will be centered on the parent's location.
    • sprite_only — Boolean (optional) — If true, this prototype will be removed in data-final-fixes and replaced by its sprites on the starmap (unless it has no sprites, in which case nothing will show).
      • This is useful for constructing stars and other locations that should not have a space platform 'docking ring'.
    • Other valid planet or space-location prototype fields.
    • See here or here for usage examples.
  • PlanetsLib:update(configs) — A simple helper that can be used to update the positions of pre-existing space locations, as identified by the passed type and name fields. Any other fields passed will be updated on the prototype, and if the orbit field is passed the distance and orientation fields on the prototype will also be updated. Any fields not passed will be left unchanged. Should not be called in data-final-fixes.

The distance and orientation fields on the prototype will be generated automatically. These are actually still treated as authoritative by PlanetsLib, and will determine its final location. The exception is if PlanetsLib sees the distance/orientation of one of your planet's parents has been moved relative to its orbit specification. In that case it will treat whatever mod intercepted the positions as intending to move all of that planet's children too, so PlanetsLib will update their locations appropriately.

Planet Cargo Drops technology

The library provides automatic functionality to restrict cargo drops on your planet until a technology is researched. To implement:

  • Use the helper function PlanetsLib.cargo_drops_technology_base(planet, planet_technology_icon, planet_technology_icon_size) to create a base technology prototype.
    • This will create a technology with name pattern: planetslib-[planet-name]-cargo-drops
    • PlanetsLib detects this technology by name. Players will be unable to drop cargo (excluding players and construction robots) to planets with that name before researching the technology.
    • Only the fields type, name, localised_name, localised_description, effects, icons will be defined, so you will need to add unit (or research_trigger) and prerequisites.
    • A locale entry for this technology is automatically generated, but you are free to override it.

Surface conditions

New surface conditions

PlanetsLib includes a variety of surface conditions, all of which are either hidden or disabled by default. To enable a surface condition, modders must add the following line to settings-updates.lua (using 'oxygen' as an example):

data.raw["bool-setting"]["PlanetsLib-enable-oxygen"].forced_value = true

Restricting and relaxing conditions

Typically, when planet mods want to add a surface condition, what they are trying to do is restrict or relax the range of values for which that recipe or entity is allowed.

For example, Space Age recyclers have a maximum magnetic field of 99. If mod A wants to allow recyclers to be built up to 120, whilst mod B wants to allow them up to 150, compatibility issues can arise if mod A acts last and overrides mod B's change (which it ought to have been perfectly happy with). Instead mod A should modify existing surface conditions only if necessary.

Hence relax_surface_conditions and restrict_surface_conditions are provided, used like so:

  • relax_surface_conditions(data.raw.recipe["recycler"], {property = "magnetic-field", max = 120})
  • restrict_surface_conditions(data.raw.recipe["boiler"], {property = "pressure", min = 10})

NOTE: Calling relax_surface_conditions without a min field will not remove any existing min conditions for that property (and similarly for max).

Per-planet restrictions

  • PlanetsLib.restrict_to_planet(entity_or_recipe, planet) — Restricts the entity or recipe prototype to a given planet by adding a special surface condition unique to that planet. This surface condition is almost invisible in the UI, with the exception of messages like "X can't be crafted on this surface. The is too low". The planet can be passed as a name or object.

Science adjustments


Unlike in Factoriopedia, science packs in labs aren't ordered by the order field. PlanetsLib orders the science packs in the vanilla labs in data-final-fixes for tidiness. Modded labs can set sort_sciences to true on their prototype to have PlanetsLib sort them too.

You can also have PlanetsLib add all sciences from the vanilla lab to your own modded lab in data-final-fixes by setting the field include_all_base_lab_science to true on your lab's prototype.


Setting ensure_all_packs_from_vanilla_lab on any technology to true will ensure the technology contains all science packs present in the base lab. This is useful for defining new endgame technologies.

By default, PlanetsLib sets this field to true on the promethium science pack technology.


Subgroups are rows in Factoriopedia. It is anticipated that dependents of PlanetsLib may treat space locations differently based on their subgroup, so we are careful about adding more.

Assorted helpers

  • PlanetsLib.technology_icon_moon — Creates a moon discovery technology icon.
  • PlanetsLib.technology_icon_planet — Creates a planet discovery technology icon.

Assorted graphics

  • __PlanetsLib__/graphics/icons/research-progress-product.png — an iconographic science pack icon intended for items used exclusively as ResearchProgressProducts, since mods using a common icon might help players understand the mechanic.

Python helper scripts

  • lib/ — contains a Python script that generates orbit sprites. generate_orbit(distance, output_file, mod_name), distance being the same as your orbital distance. After generating your sprite, the script will print a block of lua code that imports your sprite with proper scaling. Orbit sprites should be scaled at 0.25 to ensure that no pixels are visible, even on 4K displays.

Description templates

Documentation pending.



Code and graphics for modders creating Factorio planets, moons and other systems.






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