Node.js vs C# Performance Benchmarks
To create the keyspace benchmark
, at the CQL shell prompt, type:
CREATE KEYSPACE benchmark WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 };
To use the keyspace we’ve just created, type:
USE benchmark;
Create a address
type within the keyspace benchmark
CREATE TYPE address (number int, street text, city text, state text);
Create a transactions
table within the keyspace benchmark
CREATE TABLE transactions (code text, address frozen<address>, tags list<text>, values set<int>, PRIMARY KEY (code));
Create a tags
table within the keyspace benchmark
CREATE TABLE tags (key text, value int, PRIMARY KEY (key));
INSERT INTO tags JSON '{"value": 11, "key": "legal"}';
INSERT INTO tags JSON '{"value": 12, "key": "opa"}';
INSERT INTO tags JSON '{"value": 15, "key": "joinha"}';
INSERT INTO tags JSON '{"value": 19, "key": "humm"}';