The original idea was to create a script that allows me to display what I'm currently playing on Spotify, just like we used to do on MSN Messenger back in the day. This script should return an image, preferably in SVG format, with information about the track or episode I'm listening to, allowing me to embed it anywhere using the IMG element. This allows me to include it in README files or any place where I can't load iframes or code.
You can see a demo at this link. Since it's hosted on Render using a free plan, you may need to refresh multiple times or wait for a while, as this plan terminates the process if there hasn't been recent activity.
First of all, you need to create an application on the Spotify Developer Dashboard. In the Redirect URI, I used https://localhost:3000, you can use the port on which you will run the application on your PC. This is used to obtain the authorization token.
We need to obtain the refresh_token
, which will allow us to use the API.
This token does not expire unless we revoke its access.
It's a slightly tedious process, but don't worry, you only need to do it once.
Once you've created the application, you should copy the Client ID
and Client Secret
, which you can obtain from the application settings.
With these two pieces of information, we'll generate a text string structured as follows: clientID:clientSecret.
We need to encode that string to base64. You can do it easily with JavaScript using the following code:
const base64Code = btoa(`${clientID}:${clientSecret}`);
Alternatively, you can use an online tool like this to do the encoding.
The result should be something like this: Y2xpZW50ZUlEOmNsaWVudFNlY3JldA==
Now, we need to obtain the authorization_code
. To do this, we will access the following URL:
(Replace <CLIENT_ID> with your own data, and if you have chosen a different port for the redirect when setting up the application, you should also change the 3000)<CLIENT_ID>&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost:3000&scope=user-read-currently-playing%20
Once you access that site, it will redirect you to the Spotify's website where you should authorize the application to access your data.
Once you accept, it will redirect you to the redirect_uri
you have set.
In my case, it would look something like this:
That code
parameter is the last piece we need to obtain the refresh_token
. So, make sure to copy it.
Now, all that's left is to make the following request. Since we need to pass a header, the quickest option is to use cURL through the terminal: (Replace base64Code and code with your own data)
curl -H "Authorization: Basic <base64Code>" -d grant_type=authorization_code -d code=<code> -d redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost:3000
The refresh_token
will be included in the response. Make sure to copy it, as it is the last piece we need to start using the application.
Now, clone the project and install the dependencies:
> git clone
> yarn install
Before running it, create a file named .env
in the project's root directory.
Copy the contents of the .env.template
file into your new file and set the constants.
Once you've done that, you can run the project:
> yarn dev
If everything went well, you should now be able to access the following URL: http://localhost:3000/now-playing
Show currently playing track/episode - Show top tracks/artists
- Show public playlists