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CompoSR is a nodeJS middleware, built on top of restify, for Corbel.
It uses the composr-core capabilities and offers developers the ability to make their own specific application API with a Corbel generic backend.
Composr is responsible for composing phrases of code than can be reused by multiple applications. Those phrases can use all the methods exposed by corbel-js and some extra useful libraries.
wiki: A composer (Latin com+ponere, literally "one who puts together") is a person who creates music.
wiki: In music and music theory, phrase and phrasing are concepts and practices related to grouping consecutive melodic notes, both in their composition and performance. A musical work is typically made up of a melody that consists of numerous consecutive phrases.
- Built in PM2 configuration for cluster mode
- Bunyan Access logs
- Winston Logs (debug, info, warn, error)
- Endpoint documentation
- RabbitMQ connection for endpoint updates
- Status and Healthcheck endpoints
- Keymetrics and Newrelic support
- Docker Ready!
- Corbel ready!
npm install -g corbel-platform/corbel-composr
run server
You can send the following environment variables (or define a environment config file under src/config/[ENV].json
"serverName" : "CompoSR",
"bodylimit" : "50mb",
"port": 3000,
"rabbitmq.host": "RABBIT_HOST",
"rabbitmq.port": "RABBIT_PORT",
"rabbitmq.username": "RABBIT_USERNAME",
"rabbitmq.password": "RABBIT_PASSWORD",
"rabbitmq.reconntimeout": 10000,
"rabbitmq.event": "class io.corbel.event.ResourceEvent",
"rabbitmq.forceconnect": true,
"rabbitmq.heartbgeat": 30,
"bootstrap.retrytimeout": 10000,
"phrases.timeout": 10000,
"services.timeout": 5000,
"services.retries": 30,
"services.time": 1000,
"corbel.composr.credentials": {
"clientId": "CLIENT_ID",
"clientSecret": "CLIENT_SECRET",
"scopes": "composr:comp:base"
"corbel.driver.options": {
"urlBase": "https://{{module}}corbel-domain.io/"
"bunyan.log" : true,
"bunyan.syslog" : true,
"bunyan.stdout": false,
"bunyan.streamServer": false,
"composrLog.accessLog" : true,
"composrLog.accessLogFile" : "logs/access.log",
"composrLog.logLevel": "error",
"composrLog.logFile": "logs/composr.log",
"composrLog.syslog" : false,
"newrelic" : false,
"newrelic.name": "",
"newrelic.key": "",
"keymetrics": true
Almost all of the vales in the configuration file can be overwriten by environment variables:
SERVER_NAME (Composr 2.0)
PORT (3000)
ACCESS_LOG => winston access log
ACCESS_LOG_FILE => winston access log file
LOG_LEVEL => winston log level
LOG_FILE => winston log file
BUNYAN_LOG(true) => Bunyan logs
BUNYAN_SYSLOG(true) => Send bunyan stream to syslog (
BUNYAN_STDOUT(false) => Bunyan output in terminal
BUNYAN_STREAM_SERVER (null) => Composr Stream Server endpoint
RABBITMQ_FORCE_CONNECT => Only launch composr if rabbit is connected
RABBITMQ_HEARTBEAT => Heartbeat for the rabbitmq connection
KEYMETRICS (true) => Keymetrics active
NRACTIVE => New relic active
NRAPPNAME => New relic app name
NRAPIKEY => New relic api key
Corbel-CompoSR has a similar routing mechanism than restify. You can define urls by following this conventions:
: Url parameteruser
: Fixed path value
Some examples
"url": "paramsExample/:pathparam",
"get": {
"code": "res.status(200).send('path param: ' + req.params.pathparam + ', query param: ' + req.query.queryparam);"
"post": {
"put": {
- composr-core
- corbel-js API
- RAML for phrase definition
CompoSR is shipped with built-in bunyan and winston support.
You can set logFile
and logLevel
in your config file.
Available log levels can be found at winston's npm page:
- debug
- info
- warn
- error
Bunyan logs are enabled by default. You can disable them by turning bunyan.log
to false
in your configuration.
npm test
npm run coverage
Requires node-inspector
npm install -g node-inspector
npm run debug --myphrase.get
npm run test:debug
- Use nouns not verbs
- Use plural nouns
Resource | GET (read) | POST (create) | PUT (update) | DELETE |
/cars | Returns a list of cars | Create a new ticket | Bulk update of cars | Delete all cars |
/cars/711 | Returns a specific car | Method not allowed (405) | Updates a specific ticket | Deletes a specific ticket |
/purchase | Get al purchases | Create a new purchase | Bulk update of purschases | Delete all purchases |
/purchase/85 | Returns a purchase | Method not allowed (405) | Updates a specific purchase | Delete all purchases |
Resource GET read POST create PUT update DELETE /cars Returns a list of cars Create a new ticket Bulk update of cars Delete all cars /cars/711 Returns a specific car Method not allowed (405) Deletes a specific ticket
A simple way to achieve this is defining the phrase version in the url, like this
"url": "v1/paramsExample/:pathparam",
"get": { ... }
A phrase version should change only if the phrase contract is broken
- APIgee
- Principios de diseño de APIs REST
- Best Practices for Designing a Pragmatic RESTful API
- REST API Resoruces
clone repo
build image
docker build -t <username>/corbel-composr .
run container
docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --name="corbel-composr" <username>/corbel-composr
start/stop container
docker start/stop corbel-composr
- Get postman
- Import corbel-composr collection:
- Import evironment example:
- Import globals:
- Enjoy!