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Added ObstacleDistance publishing from downsampled depth camera point…
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…cloud to test CollisionPrevention in gz-sim.

In this example the FOV of the camera is 73 degrees, the width is 640 and height is 480. I've downsampled this by
8 to get a width of 80 points. I use the middle row from the downsampled point cloud as the input to the ObstacleDistance.distances[]
array. Unfortunately CollisionPrevention in PX4 uses 5 degree sectors, so therefore we can only get 14 points from the 73 degree
FOV (73 / 5 = 14.6). Over the width of 80 points I chose to leave off the first and last 5 points such that we can take the 70 points
and divide them evenly by 14 (70/14 = 5). So our down sampled points end up being from -35 degrees to +35 degrees FOV at 5 degree increments.

To use:
make px4_sitl gz_x500_depth

Co-authored-by: Andrew Wilkins <>
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dakejahl and afwilkin committed Nov 9, 2023
1 parent a47b684 commit 02ef528
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Showing 2 changed files with 126 additions and 1 deletion.
116 changes: 116 additions & 0 deletions src/modules/simulation/gz_bridge/GZBridge.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -128,6 +128,20 @@ int GZBridge::init()

// point cloud
std::string point_cloud_topic = "/depth_camera/points";

PX4_INFO("subscribing to point cloud topic");
if (!_node.Subscribe(point_cloud_topic, &GZBridge::pointCloudCallback, this)) {
PX4_ERR("failed to subscribe to %s", point_cloud_topic.c_str());
return PX4_ERROR;

// For visualizing downsampled pointcloud only
std::string world_name = "/world/" + _world_name;
_pointcloudDownsamplePub = _node.Advertise<gz::msgs::PointCloudPacked>(world_name + "/pointcloud");
_pointcloudSumPub = _node.Advertise<gz::msgs::Float_V>(world_name + "/pointcloudsum");

// clock
std::string clock_topic = "/world/" + _world_name + "/clock";

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -588,6 +602,108 @@ void GZBridge::poseInfoCallback(const gz::msgs::Pose_V &pose)

void GZBridge::pointCloudCallback(const gz::msgs::PointCloudPacked &pointcloud)
// gz::msgs::PointCloudPacked --> [ X Y Z R G B ] --> 6 float32 == 24 bytes per element
size_t downsample_step = 8;

size_t width = pointcloud.width() / downsample_step;
size_t height = pointcloud.height() / downsample_step;

gz::msgs::PointCloudPacked ds_pointcloud(pointcloud);
ds_pointcloud.mutable_data()->resize(width * height * ds_pointcloud.point_step());
ds_pointcloud.set_row_step(width * ds_pointcloud.point_step());

gz::msgs::Float_V sum_msg;
gz::msgs::PointCloudPackedConstIterator<float> xIter(pointcloud, "x");
gz::msgs::PointCloudPackedConstIterator<float> yIter(pointcloud, "y");
gz::msgs::PointCloudPackedConstIterator<float> zIter(pointcloud, "z");
gz::msgs::PointCloudPackedIterator<float> new_xIter(ds_pointcloud, "x");
gz::msgs::PointCloudPackedIterator<float> new_yIter(ds_pointcloud, "y");
gz::msgs::PointCloudPackedIterator<float> new_zIter(ds_pointcloud, "z");

size_t row_downsample_step = pointcloud.width() * (downsample_step - 1); // This adds a 15 row offset -- every 16th row is used
size_t row_count = 0;
size_t column_count = 0;

// NOTE: kind of a hack. We use the middle row of the downsampled pointcloud for the distances[] array
// A better solution would be to downsample multiple rows using an algorithm:
uint16_t middle_row_distances[80];

for (size_t i = 0; i < 80; i++) {
middle_row_distances[i] = UINT16_MAX;

while (row_count < height) {

float x = *new_xIter = *xIter;
float y = *new_yIter = *yIter;
float z = *new_zIter = *zIter;
sum_msg.add_data(x + y + z);

// Extract the middle row
if (row_count == height / 2) {
// Calculate the distance
if (isnan(x) || isnan(y) || isinf(x) || isinf(y)) {
middle_row_distances[column_count] = UINT16_MAX;
} else {
middle_row_distances[column_count] = uint16_t(sqrtf(x*x + y*y) * 100.0f); // cm


++new_xIter; ++new_yIter; ++new_zIter;

if (column_count == width) {
column_count = 0;
// Bumped up to new downsampled row
xIter += row_downsample_step;
yIter += row_downsample_step;
zIter += row_downsample_step;

xIter += downsample_step;
yIter += downsample_step;
zIter += downsample_step;

// For visualization only

// Publish to uORB
obstacle_distance_s obs {};
obs.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time();
obs.frame = obstacle_distance_s::MAV_FRAME_BODY_FRD;
obs.sensor_type = obstacle_distance_s::MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR_LASER;
obs.min_distance = 20; // cm clip near
obs.max_distance = 1910; // cm clip far
obs.angle_offset = -35; // 5 degrees per bin * 14 bins = 70 degrees which is close enough
obs.increment = 5; // NOTE: limitation of PX4 CollisionPrevention

for (size_t i = 0; i < 72; i++) {
obs.distances[i] = UINT16_MAX; // initialize to unknown

// We take every 5th sample from the middle row, skipping the first and last 5
for (size_t i = 0; i < 14; i++) {
uint16_t distance_cm = middle_row_distances[5 * i + 5];
if (distance_cm > obs.max_distance) {
obs.distances[i] = obs.max_distance + 1;
} else {
obs.distances[i] = distance_cm;


void GZBridge::odometryCallback(const gz::msgs::OdometryWithCovariance &odometry)
if (hrt_absolute_time() == 0) {
Expand Down
11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion src/modules/simulation/gz_bridge/GZBridge.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,21 +49,25 @@
#include <uORB/topics/parameter_update.h>
#include <uORB/topics/differential_pressure.h>
#include <uORB/topics/sensor_accel.h>
#include <uORB/topics/sensor_baro.h>
#include <uORB/topics/sensor_gyro.h>
#include <uORB/topics/obstacle_distance.h>
#include <uORB/topics/vehicle_angular_velocity.h>
#include <uORB/topics/vehicle_attitude.h>
#include <uORB/topics/vehicle_global_position.h>
#include <uORB/topics/vehicle_local_position.h>
#include <uORB/topics/sensor_baro.h>
#include <uORB/topics/vehicle_odometry.h>

#include <gz/math.hh>
#include <gz/msgs.hh>
#include <gz/transport.hh>

#include <gz/msgs/imu.pb.h>
#include <gz/msgs/fluid_pressure.pb.h>
#include <gz/msgs/odometry_with_covariance.pb.h>
#include <gz/msgs/pointcloud_packed.pb.h>
#include <gz/msgs/float_v.pb.h>

using namespace time_literals;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,6 +106,7 @@ class GZBridge : public ModuleBase<GZBridge>, public ModuleParams, public px4::S
void imuCallback(const gz::msgs::IMU &imu);
void poseInfoCallback(const gz::msgs::Pose_V &pose);
void odometryCallback(const gz::msgs::OdometryWithCovariance &odometry);
void pointCloudCallback(const gz::msgs::PointCloudPacked &pointcloud);

Expand All @@ -116,6 +121,10 @@ class GZBridge : public ModuleBase<GZBridge>, public ModuleParams, public px4::S
// Subscriptions
uORB::SubscriptionInterval _parameter_update_sub{ORB_ID(parameter_update), 1_s};

gz::transport::Node::Publisher _pointcloudSumPub;
gz::transport::Node::Publisher _pointcloudDownsamplePub;

uORB::Publication<obstacle_distance_s> _obstacle_distance_pub{ORB_ID(obstacle_distance)};
//uORB::Publication<differential_pressure_s> _differential_pressure_pub{ORB_ID(differential_pressure)};
uORB::Publication<vehicle_angular_velocity_s> _angular_velocity_ground_truth_pub{ORB_ID(vehicle_angular_velocity_groundtruth)};
uORB::Publication<vehicle_attitude_s> _attitude_ground_truth_pub{ORB_ID(vehicle_attitude_groundtruth)};
Expand Down

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