- Kotlin (version is >= 1.3.31)
- Maven (version is >= 3.3.9)
- A Selenium Grid running with at least Chrome and Firefox nodes setup, see Set up Selenium Grid with Docker section below. This approach will require Docker to be installed and a Docker Swarm initialised)
- Allure CLI for report viewing and generation (optional)
- Internet connection to download the project dependencies (via Maven)
This project is an example of how one would setup a Selenium testing project with Kotlin.
This project uses Maven as the Build tool where we can utilize the test
lifecycle to run our
End-to-End tests (mvn clean test
Located in the root of this project is a docker file for use in a Swarm configuration.
- To start Docker in Swarm mode, you need to run
docker swarm init
(may require the --advertise-addr flag to be set) - To deploy the Grid:
docker stack deploy -c selenium-docker-stack.yml grid
- Stop with:
docker stack rm grid
This will create a Selenium Hub where the test code will attempt to create browser instances. See SetUpSelenideListener.java for setting this value. The URL for the Hub can be abstracted to pom file and specified in the Maven test command like the Browser value as explained below.
The automated tests are written with the TestNG testing framework. TestNG has the notion of Test Suites where we can define the test cases required for the test suite. The sample test suite file can be found in the testng.xml file where test cases are defined.
Once your test suite is created we can now execute a maven test build via:
mvn clean test -Dtest-suite="testng.xml"
Note: In the pom.xml file there is also a default property value for the test-suite, which will be
used if no -Dtest-suite
is provided.
By default the tests will be executed on the Selenium node created for the Chrome browser. If you would like to execute the tests on the Firefox configured Selenium node, add the following system property argument to the Maven test command:
mvn clean test -Dbrowser=FF
mvn clean test -Dbrowser=CH
{path-to-allure-binary} serve allure-results