This is the code for the two-stage VAE model proposed in our ICLR 2019 paper "Diagnoising and Enhancing VAE Models" [1].
[1] Dai, B. and Wipf, D. Diagnosing and enhancing VAE models. In International Conference on Learning Representations, 2019.
We do experiments on MNIST, Fashion-MNIST, Cifar-10 and CelebA dataset. These data are downloaded from the official website and then transformed to npy format using script. Follow the next steps to prepare each dataset. Or you can directly download the data from Google Doc. (If you directly download the data from Google Doc, extract the file to the root folder.)
Download the data from:
You will get the files t10k-images-idx3-ubyte
, t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte
, train-images-idx3-ubyte
, train-labels-idx1-ubyte
. Put them in the folder ./data/mnist
Download the data from:
Again you will get four files t10k-images-idx3-ubyte
, t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte
, train-images-idx3-ubyte
, train-labels-idx1-ubyte
. Put them in the folder ./data/fashion
To preprocess MNIST and Fashion-MNIST, you also need to install the package python-mnist
pip install python-mnist
Download the data (python version) from:
Extract the downloaded file in ./data/cifar10
. There will be one sub-folder called cifar-10-batches-py
. Inside this folder, there will be 6 files named data_batch_1, data_batch_2, data_batch_3, data_batch_4, data_batch_5
and test_batch
Download the data from:
Put the extracted images files (202599 jpg files) in the folder ./data/celeba/img_align_celeba
Transform the data into .npy
format by running the command
You will obtain some .npy
files in each subfolder under ./data
Train the model by running
python --dataset [DATASET] --network-structure [NETWORK] --exp-name [EXP] --gpu [GPU]
The argument --exp-name
allows you to set up your experiemnt ID. It will make a folder ./experiments/[DATASET]/[EXP]
to put all the output files and images. If you only want to test the model, add --val
in the command line.
- Datasets: Use lowercases. You can select from:
mnist, fashion, cifar10
. - Network structure: You can select from
Infogan, Wae
. To implement your own network structures, you can add a new derived class ofTwoStageVaeModel
and just implement thebuild_encoder1
functions. - Cross entropy loss: If you want to run the experiments with cross entropy loss (VAE(cross-entr.) method in the paper), you can add
in the command line.
To reproduce the following results with Resnet architecture, run
python --dataset celeba --epochs 100 --lr-epochs 40 --epochs2 100 --lr-epochs2 40 --network-structure Resnet --num-scale 4 --base-dim 32 --latent-dim 128 --gpu [GPU] --exp-name [EXP]
- Random samples generated by the first stage VAE using Resnet structure on CelebA:
- Random samples generated by the second stage VAE using Resnet structure on CelebA:
To reproduce the following results with WAE architecture, run
python --dataset celeba --epochs 70 --lr-epochs 30 --epochs2 70 --lr-epochs2 30 --network-structure Wae --gpu [GPU] --exp-name [EXP]
- Random samples generated by the first stage VAE using WAE network structure on CelebA:
- Random samples generated by the second stage VAE using WAE network structure on CelebA: