The CKAN Archiver Extension will download all of a CKAN's resources, for three purposes:
- offer the user it as a 'cached' copy, in case the link becomes broken
- tell the user (and publishers) if the link is broken, on both the dataset/resource and in a 'Broken Links' report
- the downloaded file can be analysed by other extensions, such as ckanext-qa or ckanext-pacakgezip.
Compatibility: Requires CKAN version 2.1 or later
- Show brokenness on the package page (not just the resources)
- Prettify the html bits
- Add brokenness to search facets using IFacet
When a resource is archived, the information about the archival - if it failed, the filename on disk, file size etc - is stored in the Archival table. (In ckanext-archiver v0.1 it was stored in TaskStatus and on the Resource itself.) This is added to dataset during the package_show call (using a schema key), so the information is also available over the API.
Other extensions can subscribe to the archiver's IPipe
interface to hear about datasets being archived. e.g. ckanext-qa will detect its file type and give it an openness score, or ckanext-packagezip will create a zip of the files in a dataset.
Archiver works on Celery queues, so when Archiver is notified of a dataset/resource being created or updated, it puts an 'update request' on a queue. Celery calls the Archiver 'update task' to do each archival. You can start Celery with multiple processes, to archive in parallel.
You can also trigger an archival using paster on the command-line.
By default, two queues are used:
- 'bulk' for a regular archival of all the resources
- 'priority' for when a user edits one-off resource
This means that the 'bulk' queue can happily run slowly, archiving large quantities slowly, such as re-archiving every single resource once a week. And meanwhile, if a new resource is put into CKAN then it can be downloaded straight away via the 'priority' queue.
To install ckanext-archiver:
Activate your CKAN virtual environment, for example:
. /usr/lib/ckan/default/bin/activate
Install the ckanext-archiver and ckanext-report Python packages into your virtual environment:
pip install -e git+ pip install -e git+
Install the archiver dependencies:
pip install -r ckanext-archiver/requirements.txt
Now create the database tables:
paster --plugin=ckanext-archiver archiver init --config=production.ini paster --plugin=ckanext-report report initdb --config=production.ini
archiver report
to theckan.plugins
setting in your CKAN config file (by default the config file is located at/etc/ckan/default/production.ini
).Install a Celery queue backend - see later section.
Restart CKAN. For example if you've deployed CKAN with Apache on Ubuntu:
sudo service apache2 reload
NB If upgrading ckanext-archiver and use ckanext-qa too, then you will need to upgrade ckanext-qa to version 2.x at the same time.
NB Previously you needed both ckanext-archiver and ckanext-qa to see the broken link report. This functionality has now moved to ckanext-archiver. So now you only need ckanext-qa if you want the 5 stars of openness functionality.
Activate your CKAN virtual environment, for example:
. /usr/lib/ckan/default/bin/activate
Install ckanext-report (if not already installed)
pip install -e git+
to theckan.plugins
setting in your CKAN config file (it should already havearchiver
) (by default the config file is located at/etc/ckan/default/production.ini
).Also in your CKAN config file, rename old config option keys if you have them:
Upgrade the ckanext-archiver Python package:
cd ckanext-archiver git pull python develop
Create the new database tables:
paster --plugin=ckanext-archiver archiver init --config=production.ini
Ensure the archiver dependencies are installed:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install the developer dependencies, needed for the migration:
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
Migrate your database to the new Archiver tables:
python ckanext/archiver/bin/ --write production.ini
Over time it is possible that the database structure will change. In these cases you can use the migrate command to update the database schema.
- ::
- paster --plugin=ckanext-archiver archiver migrate -c <path to CKAN ini file>
This is only necessary if you update ckanext-archiver and already have the database tables in place.
Archiver uses Celery to manage its 'queues'. You need to install a queue back-end, such as Redis or RabbitMQ.
Redis can be installed like this:
sudo apt-get install redis-server
Install the python library into your python environment:
/usr/lib/ckan/default/bin/activate/pip install redis==2.10.1
It must then be configured in your CKAN config (e.g. production.ini) by inserting a new section, e.g. before [app:main]:
[app:celery] BROKER_BACKEND = redis BROKER_HOST = redis://localhost/1 CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = redis REDIS_HOST = REDIS_PORT = 6379 REDIS_DB = 0 REDIS_CONNECT_RETRY = True
Number of items in the queue 'bulk':
redis-cli -n 1 LLEN bulk
See item 0 in the queue (which is the last to go on the queue & last to be processed):
redis-cli -n 1 LINDEX bulk 0
To delete all the items on the queue:
redis-cli -n 1 DEL bulk
When archiving resources on servers which use HTTPS, you might encounter this error:
requests.exceptions.SSLError: [Errno 1] _ssl.c:504: error:14077410:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure
Whilst this could possibly be a problem with the server, it is most likely due to you needing to install SNI support on the machine that ckanext-archiver runs. Server Name Indication (SNI) is for when a server has multiple SSL certificates, which is a relatively new feature in HTTPS. This requires installing a recent version of OpenSSL plus the python libraries to make use of this feature.
If you have SNI support installed then this should command run without the above error:
python -c 'import requests; requests.get("")'
On Ubuntu 12.04 you can install SNI support by doing this:
sudo apt-get install libffi-dev . /usr/lib/ckan/default/bin/activate pip install 'cryptography==0.9.3' pyOpenSSL ndg-httpsclient pyasn1
You should also check your OpenSSL version is greater than 1.0.0:
python -c "import ssl; print ssl.OPENSSL_VERSION"
Apparently SNI was added into OpenSSL version 0.9.8j but apparently there are reported problems with 0.9.8y, 0.9.8zc & 0.9.8zg so 1.0.0+ is recommended.
For more about enabling SNI in python requests see:
Enabling Archiver to listen to resource changes
If you want the archiver to run automatically when a new CKAN resource is added, or the url of a resource is changed, then edit your CKAN config file (eg: development.ini) to enable the extension:
ckan.plugins = archiver
If there are other plugins activated, add this to the list (each plugin should be separated with a space).
Note: You can still run the archiver manually (from the command line) on specific resources or on all resources in a CKAN instance without enabling the plugin. See section 'Using Archiver' for details.
Other CKAN config options
The following config variable should also be set in your CKAN config:
= URL to your CKAN instance
This is the URL that the archive process (in Celery) will use to access the CKAN API to update it about the cached URLs. If your internal network names your CKAN server differently, then specify this internal name in config option:
Additional Archiver settings
Add the settings to the CKAN config file:
= path to the directory that archived files will be saved to (e.g./www/resource_cache
= URL where you will be publicly serving the cached files stored locally at ckanext-archiver.archive_dir.ckanext-archiver.max_content_length
= the maximum size (in bytes) of files to archive (default50000000
= identifies the archiver to servers it archives fromckanext-archiver.verify_https
= true/false whether you want to verify https connections and therefore fail if it is specified in the URL but does not verify.
Nightly report generation
Configure the reports to be generated each night using cron. e.g.:
0 6 * * * www-data /usr/lib/ckan/default/bin/paster --plugin=ckanext-report report generate --config=/etc/ckan/default/production.ini
Your web server should serve the files from the archive_dir.
With nginx you insert a new
after the ckan one. e.g. here we have configuredckanext-archiver.archive_dir
and serve these files at location/resource_cache
):server { # ckan location / { proxy_pass; ... } # archived files location /resource_cache { root /www/resource_cache; }
Older versions of ckanext-archiver put these settings in ckanext/archiver/ as variables ARCHIVE_DIR and MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH but this is no longer available.
There used to be an option DATA_FORMATS for filtering the resources archived, but that has now been removed in ckanext-archiver v2.0, since it is now not only caching files, but is seen as a broken link checker, which applies whatever the format.
First, make sure that Celery is running for each queue. For test/local use, you can run:
paster --plugin=ckanext-archiver celeryd2 run all -c development.ini
However in production you'd run the priority and bulk queues separately, or else the priority queue will not have any priority over the bulk queue. This can be done by running these two commands in separate terminals:
paster --plugin=ckanext-archiver celeryd2 run priority -c production.ini paster --plugin=ckanext-archiver celeryd2 run bulk -c production.ini
For production use, we recommend setting up Celery to run with supervisord. apt-get install supervisor and use bin/celery-supervisor.conf as a configuration template.
An archival can be triggered by adding a dataset with a resource or updating a resource URL. Alternatively you can run:
paster --plugin=ckanext-archiver archiver update [dataset] --queue=priority -c <path to CKAN config>
Here dataset
is a CKAN dataset name or ID, or you can omit it to archive all datasets.
For a full list of manual commands run:
paster --plugin=ckanext-archiver archiver --help
Once you've done some archiving you can generate a Broken Links report:
paster --plugin=ckanext-report report generate broken-links --config=production.ini
And view it on your CKAN site at /report/broken-links
To run the tests:
Activate your CKAN virtual environment, for example:
. /usr/lib/ckan/default/bin/activate
If not done already, install the dev requirements:
(pyenv)~/pyenv/src/ckan$ pip install ../ckanext-archiver/dev-requirements.txt
From the CKAN root directory (not the extension root) do:
(pyenv)~/pyenv/src/ckan$ nosetests --ckan ../ckanext-archiver/tests/ --with-pylons=../ckanext-archiver/test-core.ini
To translate plugin to a new language (ie. "pl") run python init_catalog -l pl.
To update template file with new translation added in the code or templates run python extract_messages in the root plugin directory. Then run ./ckanext/archiver/i18n/ -v to strip other plugin's translations.
To update translation files for locale "pl" with new template run python update_catalog -l pl.
NB this attempt at creating a Debian package is experimental. Important package dependencies have yet to specified. The outstanding issue is that some dependencies do not exist as debian packages (eg: messytables).
To build the debian package:
cd ckanext-archiver; dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -i -I -rfakeroot
To list the package contents:
dpkg --contents ../python-ckanext-archiver_0.1-1_all.deb
Check that it is appearing in the API for the dataset - see question below.
i.e. if you browse this path on your website: /api/action/package_show?id=<package_name> then you don't see the archiver key at the dataset level or resource level.
Check the paster archiver update command completed ok. Check that the paster celeryd2 run has done the archiving ok. Check the dataset has at least one resource. Check that you have archiver
in your ckan.plugins and have restarted CKAN.
When archiving resources on servers which use HTTPS, you might encounter this error:
requests.exceptions.SSLError: [Errno 1] _ssl.c:504: error:14077410:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure
This is probably because you don't have SNI support and requires installing OpenSSL - see section "Installing SNI support".