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What is it?

Distributed Digital Depository is a service platform for decentralized safekeeping and settlements of tokenized crypto assets. Financial intermediaries, or custodians, directly participate in the maintenance of the system by auditing exchange process, and by voting during sidechain-to-D3 tokenization process.

Hyperledger Iroha is D3 ledger, which is used for voting (via multisignature accounts) and decentralized data storage.

Getting started

To start use this application you should run this commands in terminal.

$ git clone
$ cd back-office
$ yarn

IMPORTANT in our application we use yarn for dependency management if you do not have it, you should install it - Installation | Yarn


  1. registration.json - contains urls of nodes with registration services.
  2. nodes.json - contains urls of iroha nodes.
  3. CYPRESS_IROHA= - Used to run e2e tests, provide IP of gRPC IROHA.
  4. CYPRESS_baseUrl= - Can be used in e2e tests, provide IP of D3 application


In our application we are use mock data that historically became our main data. We are use them to fill IROHA, to provide list of nodes or registration services. You can check them in data folder.

How to run

To run application

$ yarn serve

This will serve application with hot reload.

To run Iroha

$ yarn start-iroha

How to build

To build application for deployment

$ yarn build

When application will finish building, you will have the directory dist that need to place on the server. Also the dist will contains 2 files - registration.json and nodes.json. They can be replaced with another files that provides new urls.

If you are run out of memory while building application you can try another command, but it requires at least 4GB of RAM

$ yarn build:more-memory

How to test

To run tests all unit tests

$ yarn test:unit

To run all e2e tests

$ yarn test:e2e

IMPORTANT to run any e2e test need to provide CYPRESS_IROHA.

$ CYPRESS_IROHA= yarn test:e2e