Clone the project from github:
$ git clone && cd UdacityML
The branch for project submission is project_submission, not master The fastest way to run the code is to use pipenv. Install pipenv:
$ pip install pipenv
I used python 3.5 throughout the project. Therefore, create a new project with python 3 interpreter:
$ pipenv --python 3.5 && pipenv shell
Install all dependencies from the Pipfile.lock. You should copy the Pipfile.lock file to the pipenv project directory.
$ pipenv install --dev
To run the machine learning code enter
$ python
For helper functions I wrote a file, which is in the same folder as the file. I also wrote a small flask app to visualize the data. To run it locally enter
$ cd flask_app && python runserver
Then, enter
in the browser to use the app. The app allows to plot two features on the x- and y-axis. Select two buttons and press the plot button. To clear the plot press the clear button.