The following command will start a postgres 12 deamon with the pg_sphere module installed:
docker run --rm --name pg-docker -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<pass> -d -p 5432:5432 -v <path to store data locally>:/var/lib/postgresql/data douchy/pgsphere:12.0.1
The database can be accessed via:
docker exec -it pg-docker psql -U postgres -d postgres
Create the pg_sphere extension with:
docker exec -it pg-docker psql -c "CREATE EXTENSION pg_sphere;" postgres -U postgres
Container available for posgres 12.x and 13.x on Debian and Alpine:
- Debian
- postgres 12.x
docker pull douchy/pgsphere:12.0.1
- postgres 13.x
docker pull douchy/pgsphere:13.0.1
- Alpine
- postgres 12.x
docker pull douchy/pgsphere:12.0.1-alpine
- postgres 13.x docker pull douchy/pgsphere:13.0.1-alpine
The docker image is provided by ldouchy.
This fork uses the fix for PostgreSQL 12 by mdgomes.
For more information, have a look at and