Merge all ADS libraries into one
creates a library on your ADS account that is the union of all of your libraries. Usefull for using the metrics tools on ADS.
in addition to exporting all or some of your libraries into a single local file, this script edits the keywords to include the name of the ADS library.
If the paper appears in more than one libraries, multiple keywords are used. Handy to use for filtering, e.g. with Zotero. Optionally: use the names of the libraries as the only keywords, usefull to avoid a very long list of keywords from the journals.
If the keyword 'Journal' is missing from the entry, a warning is raised. Suppress all warnings with:
python -Wignore
exports all or some of your libraries into a single local file. No optimisation on keywords.
If the keyword 'Journal' is missing from the entry, a warning is raised. Suppress all warnings with:
python -Wignore
In the same folder as the scripts, create a file called mysecrets
and store your ADS API token.
The file example_mysecrets
shows the expected format.
The code will use your token and fetch your library information.
At the top of the script you can adjust the name and description of the new library.
mega_lib_name = 'MEGALIB'
mega_lib_description = "Union of all libraries"
At the top of the script you can choose:
the exported filename (overwritten if exists):
export_filename = 'export_bib.bib'
the output format:
export_format = 'bibtex'
which libraries to export. Leave empty to export all your libraries or use comma-separated names of your libraries:
library_name = ''
the keyword format:
bibtex_keyformat = "%1H%R"
and finally the sorting of your references:
sort_format = "first_author asc"