Info: | See github <> for the latest source. |
Author: | Paweł Jan Czochański <> |
RoboRex is a very simple irc bot written in Python without any external dependencies. It's very small (200 lines of code) and easy to expand with modules.
Copy the file and set all needed parameters.
Run the bot with the python3 command.
Run python3 for usage info.
Bot functionalities can be expanded with simple functions matched using IRC events or regular expressions. Some simple, well-commented examples can be found in the file.
In the file a action decorator and a MultiAction class are defined which simplify module writing. More information regarding module writing can be found in the example_module file.
At least one event or rule must be given for each bot action, if a rule and an event is given at the same time, rules have priority over events.
Simple function example:
@action(events=('PRIVMSG',)) def repeat(bot, message, *args, **kwargs): """Repeat every message on the chat.""" bot.say(message.content,
The bot actions recieve the following named parameters on input:
- bot - the main bot object.
- message - a object containing the full information about the recived IRC message. For more information see the message definition in the file.
- match - the regexp match object returned after a successful re.match python operation.
If you need your own configuration options (eg. for your own module) you can access them from the bot.config class field.
Useful bot class methods:
- command(args) - perform the given command on the server
- say(message, to_whom, action=False) - sends the given string as PRIVMSG to the given nick or channel. If no recipient specified the PRIVMSG is sent to all channels, if action == True, then message is sent as an action.