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install/reinstall: adapt to new async interfaces
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* The Cylc install and reinstall interfaces are now async.
* This adapts rose-stem to handle the change and adjusts the
  • Loading branch information
oliver-sanders committed Jan 26, 2024
1 parent fd475fe commit 2882d26
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Showing 13 changed files with 315 additions and 163 deletions.
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions cylc/rose/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -76,7 +76,10 @@ def post_install(srcdir: Path, rundir: str, opts: 'Values') -> bool:

def rose_stem():
"""Implements the "rose stem" command."""
from cylc.rose.stem import get_rose_stem_opts
import asyncio
from cylc.rose.stem import get_rose_stem_opts, rose_stem

parser, opts = get_rose_stem_opts()
rose_stem(parser, opts)
rose_stem(parser, opts)
6 changes: 1 addition & 5 deletions cylc/rose/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,9 +39,8 @@ def rose_fileinstall(
config_tree = rose_config_tree_loader(rundir, opts)

if any(i.startswith('file') for i in config_tree.node.value):
startpoint = None
startpoint = os.getcwd()
# NOTE: Cylc will chdir back for us afterwards
except FileNotFoundError as exc:
raise exc
Expand All @@ -66,8 +65,5 @@ def rose_fileinstall(
# Process fileinstall.
config_pm = ConfigProcessorsManager(event_handler, popen, fs_util)
config_pm(config_tree, "file")
if startpoint:

return config_tree.node
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions cylc/rose/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -609,13 +609,13 @@ def get_rose_stem_opts():
return parser, opts

def rose_stem(parser, opts):
async def rose_stem(parser, opts):
# modify the CLI options to add whatever rose stem would like to add
opts = StemRunner(opts).process()

# call cylc install
cylc_install(opts, opts.workflow_conf_dir)
await cylc_install(opts, opts.workflow_conf_dir)

except CylcError as exc:
if opts.verbosity > 1:
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions setup.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ packages = find_namespace:
python_requires = >=3.7
include_package_data = True
install_requires =
# metomi-rose==2.1.*
# cylc-flow==8.3.*
# metomi-isodatetime

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166 changes: 144 additions & 22 deletions tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,17 +14,52 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

import asyncio
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import rmtree
from types import SimpleNamespace
from uuid import uuid4

import pytest

from cylc.flow import __version__ as CYLC_VERSION
from cylc.flow.option_parsers import Options
from cylc.flow.pathutil import get_cylc_run_dir
from cylc.flow.scripts.install import get_option_parser as install_gop
from cylc.flow.scripts.install import install_cli as cylc_install
from cylc.flow.scripts.reinstall import get_option_parser as reinstall_gop
from cylc.flow.scripts.reinstall import reinstall_cli as cylc_reinstall
from cylc.flow.scripts.validate import _main as cylc_validate
from cylc.flow.scripts.validate import run as cylc_validate
from cylc.flow.scripts.validate import get_option_parser as validate_gop
import pytest
from cylc.flow.wallclock import get_current_time_string

CYLC_RUN_DIR = Path(get_cylc_run_dir())

def event_loop():
"""This fixture defines the event loop used for each test.
The default scoping for this fixture is "function" which means that all
async fixtures must have "function" scoping.
Defining `event_loop` as a module scoped fixture opens the door to
module scoped fixtures but means all tests in a module will run in the same
event loop. This is fine, it's actually an efficiency win but also
something to be aware of.
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop_policy().new_event_loop()
yield loop
# gracefully exit async generators
# cancel any tasks still running in this event loop
for task in asyncio.all_tasks(loop):

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -86,15 +121,34 @@ def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call):
item.module._module_outcomes = _module_outcomes

def _rm_if_empty(path):
"""Convenience wrapper for removing empty directories."""
except OSError:
return False
return True

def _pytest_passed(request: pytest.FixtureRequest) -> bool:
"""Returns True if the test(s) a fixture was used in passed."""
if hasattr(request.node, '_function_outcome'):
return request.node._function_outcome.outcome in {'passed', 'skipped'}
return all((
report.outcome in {'passed', 'skipped'}
for report in request.node.obj._module_outcomes.values()

def _cylc_validate_cli(capsys, caplog):
"""Access the validate CLI"""
def _inner(srcpath, args=None):
async def _inner(srcpath, args=None):
parser = validate_gop()
options = Options(parser, args)()
output = SimpleNamespace()

cylc_validate(parser, options, str(srcpath))
await cylc_validate(parser, options, str(srcpath))
output.ret = 0
output.exc = ''
except Exception as exc:
Expand All @@ -108,20 +162,33 @@ def _inner(srcpath, args=None):
return _inner

def _cylc_install_cli(capsys, caplog):
def _cylc_install_cli(capsys, caplog, test_dir):
"""Access the install CLI"""
def _inner(srcpath, args=None):
async def _inner(srcpath, workflow_name=None, opts=None):
"""Install a workflow.
args: Dictionary of arguments.
The workflow to install
The workflow ID prefix to install this workflow as.
If you leave this blank, it will use the module/function's
test directory as appropriate.
Dictionary of arguments for cylc install.
options = Options(install_gop(), args)()
nonlocal capsys, caplog, test_dir
if not workflow_name:
workflow_name = str(test_dir.relative_to(CYLC_RUN_DIR))
options = Options(
install_gop(), opts or {}
output = SimpleNamespace()

cylc_install(options, str(srcpath))
await cylc_install(options, str(srcpath))
output.ret = 0
output.exc = ''
except Exception as exc:
Expand All @@ -133,20 +200,29 @@ def _inner(srcpath, args=None):
return _inner

def _cylc_reinstall_cli(capsys, caplog):
def _cylc_reinstall_cli(capsys, caplog, test_dir):
"""Access the reinstall CLI"""
def _inner(workflow_id, opts=None):
async def _inner(workflow_id=None, opts=None):
"""Install a workflow.
args: Dictionary of arguments.
The workflow ID to reinstall.
If you leave this blank, it will use the module/function's
test directory as appropriate.
Dictionary of arguments for cylc reinstall.
options = Options(reinstall_gop(), opts)()
nonlocal capsys, caplog, test_dir
if not workflow_id:
workflow_id = str(test_dir.relative_to(CYLC_RUN_DIR))
options = Options(reinstall_gop(), opts or {})()
output = SimpleNamespace()

cylc_reinstall(options, workflow_id)
await cylc_reinstall(options, workflow_id)
output.ret = 0
output.exc = ''
except Exception as exc:
Expand All @@ -159,23 +235,23 @@ def _inner(workflow_id, opts=None):

def cylc_install_cli(capsys, caplog):
return _cylc_install_cli(capsys, caplog)
def cylc_install_cli(capsys, caplog, test_dir):
return _cylc_install_cli(capsys, caplog, test_dir)

def mod_cylc_install_cli(mod_capsys, mod_caplog):
return _cylc_install_cli(mod_capsys, mod_caplog)
return _cylc_install_cli(mod_capsys, mod_caplog, mod_test_dir)

def cylc_reinstall_cli(capsys, caplog):
return _cylc_reinstall_cli(capsys, caplog)
def cylc_reinstall_cli(capsys, caplog, test_dir):
return _cylc_reinstall_cli(capsys, caplog, test_dir)

def mod_cylc_reinstall_cli(mod_capsys, mod_caplog):
return _cylc_reinstall_cli(mod_capsys, mod_caplog)
def mod_cylc_reinstall_cli(mod_capsys, mod_caplog, mod_test_dir):
return _cylc_reinstall_cli(mod_capsys, mod_caplog, mod_test_dir)

Expand All @@ -186,3 +262,49 @@ def cylc_validate_cli(capsys, caplog):
def mod_cylc_validate_cli(mod_capsys, mod_caplog):
return _cylc_validate_cli(mod_capsys, mod_caplog)

def run_dir():
"""The cylc run directory for this host."""

def ses_test_dir(request, run_dir):
"""The root run dir for test flows in this test session."""
timestamp = get_current_time_string(use_basic_format=True)
uuid = f'cylc-rose-test-{timestamp}-{str(uuid4())[:4]}'
path = Path(run_dir, uuid)
yield path

def mod_test_dir(request, ses_test_dir):
"""The root run dir for test flows in this test module."""
path = Path(ses_test_dir, request.module.__name__)
yield path
if _pytest_passed(request):
# test passed -> remove all files
rmtree(path, ignore_errors=False)
# test failed -> remove the test dir if empty

def test_dir(request, mod_test_dir):
"""The root run dir for test flows in this test function."""
path = Path(mod_test_dir, request.function.__name__)
path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
yield path
if _pytest_passed(request):
# test passed -> remove all files
rmtree(path, ignore_errors=False)
# test failed -> remove the test dir if empty
20 changes: 13 additions & 7 deletions tests/functional/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ def fixture_provide_flow(tmp_path_factory, request):

def fixture_install_flow(
async def fixture_install_flow(
fixture_provide_flow, monkeymodule, mod_cylc_install_cli
"""Run ``cylc install``.
Expand All @@ -113,9 +113,9 @@ def fixture_install_flow(
If a test fails then using ``pytest --pdb`` and
``fixture_install_flow['result'].stderr`` may help with debugging.
result = mod_cylc_install_cli(
result = await mod_cylc_install_cli(
{'workflow_name': fixture_provide_flow['test_flow_name']}
install_conf_path = (
fixture_provide_flow['flowpath'] /
Expand All @@ -130,20 +130,26 @@ def fixture_install_flow(

def test_cylc_validate_srcdir(fixture_install_flow, mod_cylc_validate_cli):
async def test_cylc_validate_srcdir(
"""Sanity check that workflow validates:
srcpath = fixture_install_flow['srcpath']
result = mod_cylc_validate_cli(srcpath)
result = await mod_cylc_validate_cli(srcpath)
search = re.findall(r'ROSE_ORIG_HOST \(.*\) is: (.*)', result.logging)
assert search == [HOST, HOST]

def test_cylc_validate_rundir(fixture_install_flow, mod_cylc_validate_cli):
async def test_cylc_validate_rundir(
"""Sanity check that workflow validates:
flowpath = fixture_install_flow['flowpath'] / 'runN'
result = mod_cylc_validate_cli(flowpath)
result = await mod_cylc_validate_cli(flowpath)
assert 'ROSE_ORIG_HOST (env) is:' in result.logging

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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions tests/functional/
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Expand Up @@ -45,9 +45,9 @@
def test_validate_fail(srcdir, expect, cylc_validate_cli):
async def test_validate_fail(srcdir, expect, cylc_validate_cli):
srcdir = Path(__file__).parent / srcdir
validate = cylc_validate_cli(srcdir)
validate = await cylc_validate_cli(srcdir)
assert validate.ret == 1
if expect:
assert re.findall(expect, str(validate.exc))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,11 +77,11 @@ def test_validate_fail(srcdir, expect, cylc_validate_cli):
('09_template_vars_vanilla', {'XYZ': 'xyz'}, None),
def test_validate(monkeypatch, srcdir, envvars, args, cylc_validate_cli):
async def test_validate(monkeypatch, srcdir, envvars, args, cylc_validate_cli):
for key, value in (envvars or {}).items():
monkeypatch.setenv(key, value)
srcdir = Path(__file__).parent / srcdir
validate = cylc_validate_cli(str(srcdir), args)
validate = await cylc_validate_cli(str(srcdir), args)
assert validate.ret == 0

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