This parser allows you to export hardware configuration of your PCS7/STEP7 AS station to pretty json, or xml or custom format using plug-in serializers.
Another useful feature allows you to generate printable signal modules labels. For each module type you can define svg file that contains label template.
Required python version >= 3.6
$ git clone
$ cd pcs7_hw_parser
$ pip install -r pcs7_hw_parser/requirements.txt
module for overriding or extending default configuration
# choose any supported by python runtime encoding
# tuple of parsers classes, you can specify custom parser here
# tuple of serializer classes, you can specify custom serializer here
# verbose names for order numbers. Parsers fills 'module_type' field of model with values from that dict. Keys might be regex
MODULE_TYPES = { 'regex': 'module_type_verbose name'}
# settings for PDF serializer
# path to folder with .svg labels templates
# mapping between module_type and .svg label template
LABELS_TEMPLATE_MAP = {'module_type_verbose name': file.svg}
# chars from that tuple will be removed during labels rendering, when you select --pdf-strip-names option
CFG files must be exported from HW Config tool in human-readable format as shown below.
Typical parser usage:
# using default cp1251 encoding for cfg file and json output serializer
./ --if as.cfg --of as.json
# or simple
./ -i as.cfg -o as.json
# using specified serializer with option "json pretty print"
./ --format json --json-pretty --if as.cfg --of as.json
# or simple
./ -f json -p -i as.cfg -o as.json
# using custom cfg file encoding
./ --encoding utf-8 --if as.cfg --of as.json
# or simple
./ -e cp1251 -i as.cfg -o as.json
# using xml serializer with "xml pretty print" and attribute type declaration
./app --format xml --xml-pretty --xml-attr-type --if as.cfg --of as.xml
# using pdf serializer for printable labels generation
./app --format pdf --if as.cfg --of as.pdf
# more settings
# sheet bounds offset
./app --format pdf --pdf-x-offset 5 --pdf-y-offset 5 --if as.cfg --of as.pdf
# Gaps between labels
./app --format pdf --pdf-rows-margin 2 --pdf-cols-margin 2 --if as.cfg --of as.pdf
# Zooming if neccesery
./app --format pdf --pdf-zoom 0.95 --if as.cfg --of as.pdf
./app --format pdf --pdf-zoom 1.05 --if as.cfg --of as.pdf
# removing useless chars using settings.LABELS_REMOVED_CHARS tuple
./app --format pdf --pdf-strip-names --if as.cfg --of as.pdf
# change page size and page orientation (default: A4 portrait)
./app --format pdf --pdf-page-orientation l --pdf-page-size a3 --if as.cfg --of as.pdf