Simple MQTT interface for (HomeAssistant) host sensors. It runs as systemd service. Every RestartSec
interval service
will publish JSON to topic {host_name}/sensors_data
. Fields are presented below:
'cpu_temp': {float, one decimal place, celsius},
'cpu_freq': {float, one decimal place, MHz},
'cpu_load_percent': {float, one decimal place, percent},
'ram_load_percent': {float, one decimal place, percent},
'swap_usage': {float, one decimal place, percent},
'root_fs_disk_usage': {float, one decimal place, percent}
Required python version >= 3.6
Step 1. Download source
$ git clone
$ cd hass_host_sensors
$ pip install -r hass_host_sensors/requirements.txt
Step 2. Edit configuration constants inside
'mqtt_brocker_host': 'localhost',
'mqtt_brocker_port': 1883,
'mqtt_brocker_user': '',
'mqtt_brocker_password': ''
Inside hass_host_sensor.service
edit next lines:
ExecStart = {path to python3} {path to}
User = {user} # run service as specific user and group
Group = {user group}
RestartSec = 60 # interval between sensors data reads
Step 3. Enable and run service
$ cp hass_host_sensors.service /etc/systemd/system/hass_host_sensors.service
$ systemctl enable hass_host_sensors
$ systemctl start hass_host_sensors
# show logs
$ journalctl -u hass_host_sensors.service