locals {
base_cidr_mask_size = tonumber(split("/", var.base_cidr)[1])
# Determine if custom subnet details are provided
use_custom_details = length(var.subnets) > 0
# Use provided subnet details or generate subnet names and use default netnum and mask size
final_subnet_details = local.use_custom_details ? var.subnets : {
for i, size in var.subnet_sizes : format("subnet%s", i + 1) => {
mask_size = size
netnum = i # Default netnum, can be changed to another logic
calculated_subnets = {
for subnet_name, details in local.final_subnet_details :
subnet_name => cidrsubnet(var.base_cidr, details.mask_size - local.base_cidr_mask_size, details.netnum)
subnet_names = sort(keys(local.calculated_subnets))
No requirements.
No providers.
No modules.
No resources.
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
base_cidr | The base CIDR block | string |
n/a | yes |
subnet_sizes | List of subnet sizes if names are to be generated | list(number) |
[] |
no |
subnets | Map of subnet names to their desired mask sizes and netnum | map(object({ |
{} |
no |
Name | Description |
base_cidr | The base CIDR given to the module for calculation |
subnet_first_ip | A map of subnet names to their first usable IP addresses. |
subnet_first_last_ip | A map of subnet names to their last usable IP addresses. |
subnet_last_ip | A map of subnet names to their first and last usable IP addresses. |
subnet_mask_sizes | A map of subnet names to their mask sizes. |
subnet_names | A sorted list of subnet names calculated based on the provided details or sizes. |
subnet_ranges | A list of subnet CIDR ranges corresponding to the sorted subnet names, ensuring consistent ordering. |
subnet_sizes | A map of subnet names to the count of usable IPs in each subnet. |
subnets_map | A map of subnet names to their corresponding generated subnet CIDR ranges. |