A boilerplate for deploying Square's Cube time-series visualizer to Heroku.
Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/partyio/heroku-cube.git
Change into the directory and install dependencies:
npm install
Create two Heroku apps - one for the evaluator and one for the collector. (make sure to substitute the names in these examples):
heroku create my-collector-app
heroku create my-evaluator-app
Set up your git remotes to the Heroku apps, again one for the evaluator and one for the collector:
git remote add my-collector-app git@heroku.com/my-collector-app.git
git remote add my-evaluator-app git@heroku.com/my-evaluator-app.git
Add configuration variable so the apps know which is which:
heroku config:add COLLECTOR_APP=1 -a my-collector-app
heroku config:add EVALUATOR_APP=1 -a my-evaluator-app
Add the Mongolab add-on to your evaluator application:
heroku addons:add mongolab:starter -a my-evaluator-app
Copy the MONGOLAB_URI config variable from the evaluator app to the config:
heroku config -a my-evaluator-app | grep MONGOLAB_URI #read the config
heroku config:add MONGOLAB_URI=mongodb://herokuapp123:password@host.mongolab.com:12345/herokuapp123 -a my-collector-app
Deploy both apps:
git push my-collector-app master
git push my-evaluator-app master
Visit the evaluator app:
heroku open -a my-evaluator-app
You should see the example time series displayed with Cubism. Send some events to the collector app via any means Cube supports (pointing toward the collector's Heroku app URL) and they should start showing up.
Check out the aliases in .projectrc to get an idea for how to use this boilerplate locally.
In summary, just set a local MONGOLAB_URI variable locally and point it to something like
. Then use Heroku's foreman to start the apps.
Didn't work for you? Let me know via a Github issue.
Josh Dzielak and party.io.
A big thanks to Mike Bostock for creating Cube and Square for open sourcing it.
MIT License Copyright (c) 2012 Teethie, Inc.