A curated list of all helium projects, tutoriais, and resources.
- Discord - Official Helium Community Discord; many people, very busy
- Monthly Community Calls - Noon ET on the last Wednesday of the month
- Weekly Helium Hacks Happy Hour - Every Wednesday at 3p PT
- Blockchain Sync Progress Script - Bash script to get the current progress of your Helium miner running via docker
- Leroy's Updated & Unofficial CubeCell repo - Heltec ASR650x; Heavily improved.
- Helium Explorer (open-source)
- Helium Network Map
- Sitebot
- Mylar
- Helium Coverage Mapping
- Cargo Live Mapper
- Line of sight measurement
- Helium Chain Variables
- LoRa documentation
- Cloud-RF - RF coverage modeling and mapping utility
- Unofficial Hotspot Utility - Unofficial Android/iPhone Hotspot Utility
Build tutorials
DIY Hotspot auto update automation scripts - Wheaties466/helium_miner_scripts, automation for setting up DIY hotspots. All things DIY.
Helium developer docs guide - Pilot Gateway (sx1301-based)
maco2035/DiyHeliumHotspots - Collection of guides for setting up various builds
PastaGringo/balenaos-helium-gtw - BelanaCloud-based build with docker-compose
bottxrnife/helium-2245 - Forked from PastaGringo, BelanaCloud + docker-conmpose configuration for RAK2245-based builds, like the RAK Pilot Gateway (SX1301-based chip)
bottxrnife/helium-2287 - Above but for RAK2287-based builds, like the RAK Discover Kit 2 (SX1302-based chip)
just4give/helium-dyi-hotspot-balena-pi4 - "Build your own helium hotspot ( miner + packet forwader ) on Raspberry pi 4 using BalenaOS"
jamiew/helium-diy-hotspot - Collection of shell scripts for setting up, updating, and monitoring a DIY hotspot
23RoMax/h2b - Helium DIY Hotspot Bootstrapping script with a few utilities
meshferg/lorawan-helium-diy-gateway_miner - RAK2245 & rPi4 gateway miner collecting wetlands data
dansku/helium-rak833-pisupply PiSupply LoRa Gateway with the RAK833 for Helium. Video tutorials
- VolleyBoast VoBo GP1 - Decodes standard payload
- Helium Decoder Repo
- Helium official hotspot
- RAK Hotspot Miner
- Dragino LPS8
- DIY gateway builds
- ...
- Browan TBHV110 Quickstart
- Browan TBHH100 Quickstart
- Connect a RAK7204 to Helium and forward its data to Ubidots
- CubeCell Helium Coverage Mapper - Mapper using the CubeCell w/ GPS/OLED by jas-williams
- OG Stock Hotspot Antenna - (pdf datasheet)
- RAK 5.8dBi
- Nearson 9dBi
- ANT-916-MHW-RPS-S - Indoor antenna - pdf
- ...
- ...
- Binance US
- Bilaxy
- OTC Telegram groups
- HotBit
- LoRaWAN Academy - self-paced on-demand LoRaWAN training course
Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.