H2B is a script that autoinstalls and autoconfigures a fully-functioning Helium DIY Hotspot on raspbian.
H2B was originally intended to speed up the setup process when having to prepare many DIY hotspots. A simple and straightforward automation of the installation process described at the Helium Developer Hotspot Setup.
Flash your Pi's SD Card with Raspbian Buster. On most linux distributions (such like raspbian) as root, run the following: Mind - Raspbian comes with unzip command, others might not!
using wget
wget https://github.com/23RoMax/h2b/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
cd h2b-master/
chmod +x ./install-hotspot.sh
chmod +x ./build.sh
using curl
curl -LO https://github.com/23RoMax/h2b/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
cd h2b-master/
chmod +x ./install-hotspot.sh
chmod +x ./build.sh
Just follow the installation procedure and have an eye out for potential error messages.
After your Pi has rebooted, reconnect via ssh pi@ipv4ofpi
and run
cd h2b-master/
Congratulations, you have successfully done the base installation of your hotspot.
To run it, head back to your root folder cd ~
and issue
./lora_gateway/reset_lgw.sh start 17
To reset your concentrator via GPIO pin 17, followed by
$ cd ~/packet_forwarder/lora_pkt_fwd
This is extraordinarily well explained in the Helium Developer Documentation. If you want to connect your miner right away, follow the documentation.
H2B comes with utilities and alternative configurations.
- Systemd Service installation routine + the service itself
- Startup bash script to use with the service
- TCP Dump to debug
- 868 MHz config json for the packet forwarder
Navigate to the utilities folder of H2B cd utilities/
and run
chmod +x ./run.sh
chmod +x ./add-service.sh
cp ./run.sh ~/
systemctl status helium.service
sudo systemctl start helium.service
Your machine will now start the package forwarder on reboot automatically. Mind - do not remove run.sh from your users root folder
Tested in combination with:
LoraWAN Interfaces:
Operating Systems:
- 2020-02-13-raspbian-buster-lite
- 2020-05-27 Raspberry Pi OS (32) Lite Mind: At the time of writing this is the latest armhf stable buster lite release
- Adding the installation process of the service to the installation routine
- Adding a selection process of the gateway configurations during installation routine - see TTN config files
Travis - for your help in testing and spreading the word of this script