CRUX is a simple to use client side library to create UI for CRUD operations on server side entities. Its best suited to create admin dashboards which typically have complex relationships between entities.
It is not a replacement for React or Redux or Bootstrap but rather a higher level abstraction that lets you create simple UI for CRUD operations by just writing a JSON config. CRUX reads this config and creates a React Component that you can add to your app.
Since its a client side library, it is completely agnostic to server side tech stack.
If you use CRUX, you would not have to write HTML/JSX/TSX code. Essentially it converts a config in JSON to a UI that creates a table with all objects and a model to create new objects or modify existing objects in a user friendly manner.
1- Install react-crux
and it's dependencies
yarn add react-crux react-bootstrap bootstrap-sass
2- Add react crux css and bootstrap to your app.scss
$icon-font-path: "~bootstrap-sass/assets/fonts/bootstrap/";
$bootstrap-sass-asset-helper: false;
@import "~bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/_bootstrap.scss";
@import "~@curefit/react-crux/scss/crux.scss";
3- Write the config and pass it to the factory method to create the component (config guide explained later)
import * as React from "react"
import { CruxComponentCreator } from "@curefit/react-crux"
const constants = {
modelName: "serviceAccess",
title: "Service Access",
creationTitle: "Service Access",
createModal: true,
editModal: true,
largeEdit: true,
stateRoot: "none",
fields: [
title: "Service",
field: "serviceName",
representative: true,
title: "Users",
field: "users",
type: "iterable",
iterabletype: {
title: "User",
inlineEdit: true
const ServiceAccessComponent = CruxComponentCreator.create<ServiceAccess, ServiceAccessProps>(constants)
export default ServiceAccessComponent
4- Create the CRUX reducer by using the factory method and it to your redux app
import { applyMiddleware, combineReducers, createStore } from "redux"
import { createLogger } from "redux-logger"
import thunk from "redux-thunk"
import { CruxReducerFactory } from "@curefit/react-crux"
const appReducer = combineReducers({crux: CruxReducerFactory({}), user: UserReducer})
const store = createStore(
applyMiddleware(thunk, createLogger())
5- Use the exported component in your react app like you do with any component.
"dependencies": {
"autobind-decorator": "^2.1.0", // Because binding manually is so 2017
"lodash": "^4.17.10", // Used heavily for all list/object manipulations
"moment": "^2.22.2", // Used in date picker
"moment-timezone": "^0.5.23", // Used in date picker with timezone
"react": "^16.4.2", // Duh
"react-bootstrap": "^0.32.3", // Its pretty cool
"react-bootstrap-typeahead": "^3.2.2", // For typeahead component
"react-datepicker": "^1.6.0", // For datepicker
"react-datetime": "^2.16.3", // For datepicker with timezone
"react-timezone": "^2.3.0", // Used in datepicker with timezone
"react-dropzone": "^5.0.1", // For file upload component
"react-redux": "^5.0.7", // Duh
"react-select": "^2.3.0", // For Multi Select component
"superagent": "^3.8.3", // For upload request
"query-string": "^6.2.0" // For Query Params formation
"react-color": "^2.17.0" // For Color Pallete Component Addition
"reactcss": "^1.2.3" // Dynamic Css For Color Pallete
- modelName: The source name. Crux first looks for this locally in redux store. If not present, a http call to /model/:modelName will be made to fetch the list of models. For this to work, a controller on the server side needs to listen to this route
- title: The title for the table
- creationTitle: Title for the create button. (+ New )
- createModal: If false, option to create new object wont come in the UI. Also note that disabling creation here is not sufficient. You should also make sure that your server does not support creation of this model.
- editModal: If true, option to edit a row in the table appears in the last column. Also note that disabling edit here is not sufficient. You should also make sure that your server does not support modification of this model.
- deleteModal: If false, option to delete button in edit modal will not appear.
- filterModal: If true, option to filter rows in the table appears as the button on top of the table. The fields with filterParameter=true will be displayed in filter Modal. It is a server side filtering
- largeEdit: (false by default) - If true, a large modal appears instead of a simple default bootstrap modal. This is helpful if your objects are pretty complex and large.
- stateRoot - TBD
- fields - An array of all the fields in the object. Each field needs to have the following
- title - Name of the field
- field - The key in the model to access this field (e.g. "name" field inside "Employee")
- representative - Set to true if this field is representative of the parent object. Used to show in other select menus etc. Typically name/title fields are representative
- type - If not set, type is assumed to be a simple text field edited using an input text HTML element
- select - For dropdowns with single select option. Detailed explanation later. Example
- multiselect - For dropdowns with multiple select option. Detailed explanation later.
- colorpallete - For Selecting color from pallete. Detailed explanation later.
- searcheableselect - For dropdowns with searcheable single select option. Detailed explanation later.
- iterable - For lists (of strings or objects or selects). Detailed explanation later. Example
- nested - For objects which have fields of their own. Detailed explanation later. Example
- typeahead - For searching within dropdown. Specification is same as select. It is a local search. Remote search is currently not supported.
- dynamicTypeahead - For searching within dropdown. Specification is same as select. It is a server search. Display in table is not supported.
- dynamicMultiselect - For searching within dropdown. Specification is similar to multi select. It is a server search. Display in table is not supported.
- tinyinput - For very small texts. Example
- bigtext - For large blobs of text. Example
- checkbox - For boolean fields. Example
- imageUpload - For triggering file uploads. Server side controller required to handle multipart requests. Detailed specification later in the document. Example
- datepicker - For fields that have dates. Detailed spec later. Example
- datetimezonepicker - For fields that have object {with date and timezone }. Detailed spec later.
- recursive - For fields that have recursive definition. Detailed spec later.
- custom - For injecting your own custom component to render this field. Requires another field called customComponent (defined later)
- customedit - For injecting your own custom Editable component to render this field. Requires another field called customEditComponent (defined later)
- additionalProps - For passing your own props to CruxComponent, that may used as additional props details to render your component or custom component.
- displayChildren - Supports only one value - "inline". Causes subfields to be rendered side by side instead of one below the other (which is the default behaviour if displayChildren is not present in schema)
- wysiwyg - If present and true, adds support to show a live preview will editing the object. Requires another field called customComponent
- customComponent - Required for wysiwyg and for type "custom".
- customEditComponent - Required for type "customedit".
This helps us to filter records from the table. The fields with filterParameter=true will be displayed inside filter modal.
const constants = {
modelName: "serviceAccess",
title: "Service Access",
creationTitle: "Service Access",
createModal: true,
editModal: true,
filterModal: true,
largeEdit: true,
stateRoot: "none",
fields: [
title: "Service",
field: "serviceName",
representative: true,
filterParameter: true
title: "Users",
field: "users",
type: "iterable",
iterabletype: {
title: "User",
inlineEdit: true
const ServiceAccessComponent = CruxComponentCreator.create<ServiceAccess, ServiceAccessProps>(constants)
export {ServiceAccessComponent}
Most common use case after text fields is to have a field whose value is restricted to a set of values. This set might be small and static and so might be hardcoded as enums or constants. This set might be big and dynamic so its values might come from another api or collection in the database. For CRUX schema it does not matter.
For fields with type: "select", another field foreign is mandatory. This field tells CRUX where to get the options for select from. Three fields are mandatory in foreign
- modelName: where to get the options from. The logic for this is same. Initially find it in redux store. If not found, fetch it by making http get call to /model/:modelName
- title: Which field in the foreign object to use to show title in the option
- key: @deprecated(use keys) - Which field in the foreign object to use to store the value (typically some sort of id field)
- keys: array of fields in the foreign object to use to store the value
- titleTransform: lambda fn to generate title for foreign object
- search: if set, allows field level filtering
- key: identifier used for this field in filterModel
- filterLocation:
client | server
specifies whether to filter at client or server, defaults toclient
title: "Media Type",
field: "mediaType",
display: true,
editable: true,
type: "select",
foreign: {
modelName: "mediaTypes",
key: "typeId", // typeId is what will be stored while storing mediaType for the object
title: "title" // title is what will be used to show in the dropdown
// Above example assumes that /model/mediaTypes returns a response like
typeId: "IMAGE",
title: "Image"
typeId: "VIDEO",
title: "Video"
This helps us to select multiple values in List. multiClear will allow us to clear multi values
title: "Media Type",
field: "mediaType",
display: true,
editable: true,
type: "multiselect",
multiClear: true
foreign: {
modelName: "mediaTypes",
key: "typeId", // typeId is what will be stored while storing mediaType for the object
title: "title" // title is what will be used to show in the dropdown
This helps us to select color in Color Pallete.
title: "Text Color",
field: "textColor",
display: true,
editable: true,
type: "colorpallete"
This helps us to select multiple values in List.
title: "Media Type",
field: "mediaType",
display: true,
editable: true,
type: "searcheableselect",
foreign: {
modelName: "mediaTypes",
key: "typeId", // typeId is what will be stored while storing mediaType for the object
title: "title" // title is what will be used to show in the dropdown
Select Field with Customized Filter Option. Modal Values can be filtered in that Custom Filter Function based on the requirement
editable: true,
title: "Attribute Name",
type: "select",
field: "id",
foreign: {
modelName: "cohortEventMeta",
key: "id",
title: "name",
transform: customFilter
// Example
function customFilter(dataSource: any, currentModel: any, additionalModels: any, parentModel: any ) {
const cohortEventMetas = additionalModels[dataSource]
let attributes
// Filter Logic
return attributes
Typeahead Field with Customized Filter Option. Modal Values can be filtered in that Custom Filter Function based on the requirement
editable: true,
title: "Attribute Name",
type: "typeahead",
field: "id",
foreign: {
modelName: "cohortEventMeta",
key: "id",
title: "name",
transform: customFilter
// Example
function customFilter(dataSource: any, currentModel: any, additionalModels: any, parentModel: any ) {
const cohortEventMetas = additionalModels[dataSource]
let attributes
// Filter Logic
return attributes
Dynamic Typeahead Field which will query based on user typings. It is not supported to show these values in table. As it leads more Db hit
editable: true,
title: "Attribute Name",
type: "dynamicTypeahead",
field: "id",
foreign: {
modelName: "cohortEventMeta",
key: "id",
title: "name",
dynamicPayloadFn: ({parentModel}) =>
Iterable Dynamic Typeahead Field which will query based on user typings. It is not supported to show these values in table. As it leads more Db hit
bulkKey in foreign object => will contain all the ids to fetch initially
title: "Nicknames",
field: "nicknames",
type: "iterable",
editable: true,
iterabletype: {
title: "Nickname",
type: "dynamicTypeahead",
foreign: {
bulkKey: "ids",
modelName: "names",
key: "id",
title: "name"
Iterable Dynamic MultiSelect Field which will query based on user typings. It is not supported to show these values in table. As it leads more Db hit
bulkKey in foreign object => will contain all the ids to fetch initially
editable: true,
title: "Attribute Name",
type: "dynamicMultiselect",
field: "id",
foreign: {
bulkKey: "ids",
modelName: "cohortEventMeta",
key: "id",
title: "name"
Whenever one of fields is a list of other objects/strings, set type: "iterable". To define the underlying type use the field iterabletype. It follows the same schema as field and supports all features mentioned above Example
title: "Nicknames",
field: "nicknames",
type: "iterable",
editable: true,
iterabletype: {
type: "text",
title: "Name"
Whenever one of fields is a list of other objects/strings, set type: "iterable". To define the underlying type use the field iterabletype. It follows the same schema as field and supports all features mentioned above . Iterable Field will have re-order button Example
title: "Nicknames",
field: "nicknames",
type: "iterable",
editable: true,
additionalButtons: {
reorder: true
iterabletype: {
type: "text",
title: "Name"
Whenever one of fields is a list of other objects/strings, set type: "iterable". To define the underlying type use the field iterabletype. It follows the same schema as field and supports all features mentioned above . Iterable Field will have Add At Index Button Example
title: "Nicknames",
field: "nicknames",
type: "iterable",
editable: true,
additionalButtons: {
addAtIndex: true
iterabletype: {
type: "text",
title: "Name"
Whenever one of fields is a list of other objects/strings, set type: "iterable". To define the underlying type use the field iterabletype. It follows the same schema as field and supports all features mentioned above Iterable Field will also have re-order buttons Example
title: "Nicknames",
field: "nicknames",
type: "iterable",
editable: true,
additionalButtons: {
customButton: true,
customButtonAction: customButtonAction,
iterabletype: {
type: "text",
title: "Name"
function customIterableButtonAction(data: any) {
// Custom Button Action will be captured here
If the field is itself an object containing more fields, its type should be "nested". A field with "nested" type should have another mandatory field called fields. This is a list of all fields inside the nested object and each field follows the same schema as above. Example
"modelName": "employees",
"title": "Employees with list of free-form Tags",
"creationTitle": "Employee",
"editModal": true,
"fields": [
"title": "Name",
"field": "name",
"editable": true,
"representative": true,
"display": true
"title": "Address",
"editable": true,
"display": true,
"field": "address",
"type": "nested",
"fields": [
"title": "Address Type",
"field": "type",
"display": true,
"editable": true,
"type": "select",
"foreign": {
"modelName": "addressTypes",
"key": "typeId",
"title": "displayName"
"title": "Address Line 1",
"field": "addressLine1",
"display": true,
"editable": true
"title": "Address Type",
"field": "addressLine2",
"display": true,
"editable": true
"title": "City",
"field": "city",
"display": true,
"editable": true
"title": "ZipCode",
"field": "zipcode",
"display": true,
"editable": true,
"type": "tinyinput"
"createModal": true
This is to support default values for our components. In each config, we can represent a defaultValueFn key. Custom Function will be called, when the component does not have value.
"title": "Text",
"editable": true,
"display": true,
"type": "text",
"defaultValueFn": () => "Initial Default Value"
"title": "Checkbox",
"editable": true,
"display": true,
"type": "checkbox",
"defaultValueFn": () => true
"title": "Number",
"editable": true,
"display": true,
"type": "number",
"defaultValueFn": () => 123
This is to support boolean fields. If the field is not present in the object, the edit modal shows it "unchecked" and saving does not set it. Otherwise that field is set as true or false (based on state). Example
"title": "Is Part Time ?",
"editable": true,
"display": true,
"field": "isPartTime",
"type": "checkbox"
Datepicker is a cool widget to show fields which are dates and to modify them. We use react-datepicker to render dates. The underlying api needs to return the value which moment understands. If moment().format() returns a properly formatted date, CRUX will be able to handle it. Otherwise it will lead to errors. Example
"title": "Date Of Joining",
"editable": true,
"display": true,
"field": "joiningDate",
"type": "datepicker"
Datepicker is a cool widget to show fields which are dates and to modify them. We use react-datepicker to render dates. The underlying api needs to return the value which moment understands. If moment().format() returns a properly formatted date, CRUX will be able to handle it. Otherwise it will lead to errors. Datepicker will also time select option Example
"title": "Date Of Joining",
"editable": true,
"display": true,
"field": "joiningDate",
"type": "datepicker",
"showTimeSelect": true
Datepicker is a cool widget to show fields which are dates and to modify them. We use react-datetime to render dates. The underlying api needs to return the value which moment understands. If moment().format() returns a properly formatted date, CRUX will be able to handle it. Otherwise it will lead to errors. Datepicker will also time select option
Here data will be stored as an object with ( date and timezone ) ex: joiningDate = { date: 2019-03-06 05:30:00.000Z, timezone: "Asia/Kolkata" }
"title": "Date Of Joining",
"editable": true,
"display": true,
"field": "joiningDate",
"type": "datetimezonepicker"
This is to support fields that require a image/file upload. When type is imageUpload, another field called contentType becomes mandatory. Finally for upload a http post call to /content/:contentType/upload/ is made. If width and height are specified in the schema, they are also sent as part of form data with the file.
editable: true,
width: 100,
height: 100,
title: "App Image",
field: "image",
contentType: "image",
type: "imageUpload"
This is to support that require a Custom Modal with Custom Button in Table.
"modelName": "employees",
"title": "Employees with list of free-form Tags",
"creationTitle": "Employee",
"editModal": true,
"fields": [
"title": "Name",
"field": "name",
"editable": true,
"representative": true,
"display": true
"title": "Address",
"field": "address",
"editable": true,
"display": true
"createModal": true,
"customModal": true,
"customModalIcon": "glyphicon glyphicon-trash",
"customModalComponent": CustomModalComponent
// ModalComponent.tsx
class CustomModalComponent extends React.Component<any, any> {
render() {
return (<ModalComponent
This is to support Custom Components with our edit/create Modal.
"modelName": "employees",
"title": "Employees with list of free-form Tags",
"creationTitle": "Employee",
"editModal": true,
"fields": [
"title": "Name",
"field": "name",
"editable": true,
"representative": true,
"display": true
title: "Address",
type: "custom",
customComponent: customComponentFn, // Deprecated
customViewComponent: CustomViewComponent
"createModal": true
// @Deprecated
function customComponentFn(currentModal: model, additionalModels: any, parentModel: any, addtionalProps: any, modal: any) {
class CustomComponent extends React.Component<{}, {}> {
render() {
return <p>{model.address}</p>
return CustomComponent
class CustomViewComponent extends React.Component<{}, {}> {
render() {
return <p>{this.props.currentModal.address}</p>
This is to support Custom Components with our edit/create Modal. This will allow us to create our own support with our own state.
"modelName": "employees",
"title": "Employees with list of free-form Tags",
"creationTitle": "Employee",
"editModal": true,
"fields": [
"title": "Name",
"field": "name",
"editable": true,
"representative": true,
"display": true
title: "Address",
field: "address",
type: "customedit",
editable: true,
customEditComponent: CustomEditComponent
"createModal": true
// Props for this CustomEditComponent is currentModal, additionalModels, parentModel, addtionalProps, field, handleChange
export class CustomEditComponent extends React.Component<any, any> {
constructor(props: any) {
this.state = {
address = "India"
handleChange = () => {
this.setState({ address = "America" })
// React Crux change event props to be called here. To reflect changes in crux (redux)
this.props.handleChange(this.props.field, value)
render() {
return <div>
<button onClick={this.handleChange}>Change Address</button>
For a lot of values (e.g. enums, constants), typically its not desired to fetch them from the API server via http call. To support this, CRUX supports injecting of default models through the CRUX reducer. e.g.
// DefaultModels.tsx
const DefaultModels = {
mediaTypes: [
typeId: "IMAGE",
title: "Image"
typeId: "VIDEO",
title: "Video"
addressTypes: [
typeId: "HOME",
title: "Home"
typeId: "OFFICE",
title: "Office"
typeId: "OTHERS",
title: "Other"
// index.tsx (Main React App)
import { DefaultModels } from "./DefaultModels"
const appReducer = combineReducers({crux: CruxReducerFactory(DefaultModels), ...})
const store = createStore(
applyMiddleware(thunk, createLogger())
Filtering and Ordering (Client Side) will be performed. Search Bar will shown above the Table. Based on search value, data will be loaded in Table
"modelName": "employees",
"title": "Employees with list of free-form Tags",
"creationTitle": "Employee",
"editModal": true,
"enableSearch": true
"fields": [
"title": "Name",
"field": "name",
"editable": true,
"representative": true,
"display": true
"title": "Address",
"field": "address",
"editable": true,
"display": true
"createModal": true
The Field will have conditionalField and ConditionalValue as their Attributes. The Field will be rendered only when conditionalValue matched with Conditional Field Value
"modelName": "employees",
"title": "Employees with list of free-form Tags",
"creationTitle": "Employee",
"editModal": true,
"fields": [
"title": "Name",
"field": "name",
"editable": true,
"representative": true,
"display": true
"title": "Address",
"editable": true,
"display": true,
"field": "address",
"type": "nested",
"fields": [
"title": "Address Type",
"field": "type",
"display": true,
"editable": true,
"type": "select",
"foreign": {
"modelName": "addressTypes",
"key": "typeId",
"title": "displayName"
"title": "Address Line",
"field": "home",
"display": true,
"editable": true,
"conditionalField": "type",
"conditionalValue": "residential",
"title": "Address Line",
"field": "office",
"display": true,
"editable": true,
"conditionalField": "type",
"conditionalValue": "office",
"title": "City",
"field": "city",
"display": true,
"editable": true
"title": "ZipCode",
"field": "zipcode",
"display": true,
"editable": true,
"type": "tinyinput"
"createModal": true
Config Based Styles Can be Applied to Components.
title: "",
field: "units",
display: true,
editable: true,
type: "select",
style: {
hideLabel: true
foreign: {
modelName: "timeUnits",
key: "typeId",
title: "title"
title: "",
field: "units",
display: true,
editable: true,
type: "iterable",
style: {
border: "none"
iterabletype: {
type: "nested",
title: "Scales",
fields: [
title: "Smiley Type",
editable: true,
display: false,
field: "smileyType",
type: "text"
title: "",
field: "units",
display: true,
editable: true,
type: "nested",
style: {
forceIndent: true
fields: [
title: "Smiley Type",
editable: true,
display: false,
field: "smileyType",
type: "text"
We can give queryParams in config. It will append queryparams with every fetch call.
import * as React from "react"
import { CruxComponentCreator } from "@curefit/react-crux"
const constants = {
modelName: "serviceAccess",
title: "Service Access",
creationTitle: "Service Access",
createModal: true,
editModal: true,
largeEdit: true,
stateRoot: "none",
fields: [
title: "Service",
field: "serviceName",
representative: true,
title: "Users",
field: "users",
type: "iterable",
iterabletype: {
title: "User",
inlineEdit: true
const ServiceAccessComponent = CruxComponentCreator.create<ServiceAccess, ServiceAccessProps>(constants)
class ComponentWithQueryParams extends React.Component<{}, {}> {
render() {
return (<ServiceAccessComponent {...this.props} options={{ queryParams: { data: "1", title: "check" }}}/>)
export {ComponentWithQueryParams}
We can pass props to crux component as below.
import * as React from "react"
import { CruxComponentCreator } from "@curefit/react-crux"
const constants = {
modelName: "serviceAccess",
title: "Service Access",
creationTitle: "Service Access",
createModal: true,
editModal: true,
largeEdit: true,
stateRoot: "none",
fields: [
title: "Service",
field: "serviceName",
representative: true,
title: "Users",
field: "users",
type: "iterable",
iterabletype: {
title: "User",
inlineEdit: true
const ServiceAccessComponent = CruxComponentCreator.create<ServiceAccess, ServiceAccessProps>(constants)
class ComponentWithProps extends React.Component<{}, {}> {
render() {
return (<ServiceAccessComponent {...this.props} options={{ queryParams: { data: "1", title: "check" }, additionalProps: {...this.props}} />)
export {ComponentWithProps}
A crux component when mounted does the following in order
- Parse the whole config.
- Collects all modelNames (normal or foreign)
- Filters distinct modelNames
- Filters out those which are already present in redux store
- Fetches the filtered models by making http calls to /model/:modelName in no particular order
All the live examples can be found at The code for the examples can be found at
Some example snippets have been copied below for convenience.
Lets say we want to show a table of employees with 3 fields (name, employeeId, emailId) with a functionality to create, modify and delete employees
const schema = {
modelName: "employees", // http call to /model/employees
title: "Employees", // Title for the table
creationTitle: "Employee", // Create button will show "+ New Employee"
createModal: true, // Enable creation of new employees through modal
editModal: true,
largeEdit: true,
stateRoot: "none",
fields: [ // We have 3 fields - name, age, emailAddress
title: "Name",
field: "name",
representative: true,
display: true, // We want to display it in table
editable: true, // We want to be able to edit it
title: "Age",
field: "age",
display: false, // We _dont_ want to display it in table
editable: true, // We want to be able to edit it
title: "Email Address",
field: "emailAddress",
display: true, // We want to display it in table
editable: true, // We want to be able to edit it
const Employees = CruxComponentCreator.create<Employee, EmployeeWodProps>(schema)
export { Employees }
Lets say we want to show a table of employees with 3 fields (name, employeeId, emailId) with a functionality to create, modify, save as new and delete employees
const schema = {
modelName: "employees", // http call to /model/employees
title: "Employees", // Title for the table
creationTitle: "Employee", // Create button will show "+ New Employee"
createModal: true, // Enable creation of new employees through modal
editModal: true,
saveAsNew: true,
largeEdit: true,
stateRoot: "none",
fields: [ // We have 3 fields - name, age, emailAddress
title: "Name",
field: "name",
representative: true,
display: true, // We want to display it in table
editable: true, // We want to be able to edit it
title: "Age",
field: "age",
display: false, // We _dont_ want to display it in table
editable: true, // We want to be able to edit it
title: "Email Address",
field: "emailAddress",
display: true, // We want to display it in table
editable: true, // We want to be able to edit it
const Employees = CruxComponentCreator.create<Employee, EmployeeWodProps>(schema)
export { Employees }
Lets say we want to show a table of employees with 4 fields (name, joiningDate, isPartTime, nicknames) with a functionality to create, modify and delete employees. Readonly attribute is applicable for all the components.
const schema = {
modelName: "employees", // http call to /model/employees
title: "Employees", // Title for the table
creationTitle: "Employee", // Create button will show "+ New Employee"
createModal: true, // Enable creation of new employees through modal
editModal: true,
largeEdit: true,
stateRoot: "none",
fields: [ // We have 4 fields - name, joiningDate, isPartTime, nicknames
title: "Name",
field: "name",
representative: true,
display: true, // We want to display it in table
readonly: true // We want to be able to disable it
"title": "Date Of Joining",
"readonly": true,
"display": true,
"field": "joiningDate",
"type": "datepicker"
"title": "Is Part Time ?",
"readonly": true,
"display": true,
"field": "isPartTime",
"type": "checkbox"
title: "Nicknames",
field: "nicknames",
type: "iterable",
readonly: true,
iterabletype: {
type: "text",
title: "Name"
const Employees = CruxComponentCreator.create<Employee, EmployeeWodProps>(schema)
export { Employees }
Readonly attribute is applicable for all the components. Readonly value can either be boolean or Function. For Example. You can write your own function to dynamic set readonly for a particular input. Return of that function has to be boolean
title: "Name",
field: "name",
representative: true,
readonly: setReadOnly
function setReadOnly(data): boolean {
if (data.status === true) {
return true
return false
Since components created using CRUX are actual react components, you can render as many CRUX components on a page or inside another component. Since they are all backed by same Redux store, they also share all the models and dont make redundant http requests if some of the underlying models are same.
const employeeSchema = {
modelName: "employees",
const projectSchema = {
modelName: "projects",
const Employees = CruxComponentCreator.create<Employee, EmployeeProps>(employeeSchema)
const Projects = CruxComponentCreator.create<Project, ProjectProps>(projectSchema)
export class EmployeeContainer extends React.Component<{}, {}> {
render() {
return <div>
<Employees />
<Projects />
One very common pattern is to have a field which is a list of objects. In CRUX terminology that translates to iterable of nested. The example below shows how to model it. The example if for products which typically have list of media attached to them. Each media object can either be a image or video and have a url.
title: "Media",
field: "media",
display: false,
editable: true,
type: "iterable",
iterabletype: {
type: "nested",
title: "Media",
fields: [
title: "Media Type",
field: "type",
display: true,
editable: true,
type: "select",
foreign: {
modelName: "mediaTypes",
key: "typeId",
title: "title"
title: "Media Url",
field: "url",
display: true,
editable: true,
Addition of Support for Collapsed Nested Iterable Component. Each Iterable component can be expanded based on necessity.
title: "Media",
field: "media",
display: false,
editable: true,
type: "iterable",
iterabletype: {
type: "nested",
title: "Media",
nestedIterableCollapse: {
default: true,
title: "Banner"
fields: [
title: "Media Type",
field: "type",
display: true,
editable: true,
type: "select",
iterableRepresentative: true,
foreign: {
modelName: "mediaTypes",
key: "typeId",
title: "title"
title: "Media Url",
field: "url",
display: true,
editable: true,
Lets say we want to show a table of employees with 3 fields (name, age, emailAddress) with a functionality to create, modify and delete employees with server side pagination. (i.e. server call will be pointed to /filter rather than /fetch)
const schema = {
modelName: "employees", // http call to /model/employees
title: "Employees", // Title for the table
creationTitle: "Employee", // Create button will show "+ New Employee"
createModal: true, // Enable creation of new employees through modal
editModal: true,
largeEdit: true,
stateRoot: "none",
paginate: {
defaultPageSize : 10,
allowedPageSizes : [10, 50, 100, 500, 1000]
fields: [ // We have 3 fields - name, age, emailAddress
title: "Name",
field: "name",
representative: true,
display: true, // We want to display it in table
editable: true // We want to be able to edit it
title: "Age",
field: "age",
display: false, // We _dont_ want to display it in table
editable: true // We want to be able to edit it
title: "Email Address",
field: "emailAddress",
display: true, // We want to display it in table
editable: true // We want to be able to edit it
const Employees = CruxComponentCreator.create<Employee, EmployeeWodProps>(schema)
export { Employees }
- Typings for schema
- Refactoring of schema into (displayOptions, editOptions, createOptions, deleteOptions)
- Defragment style options into one uniform way of specifying styles
- Create a UI to generate schema
- Removing hardcoding of /model in fetch urls
- For fetching models, create a proper DAG, do a topological sort and then fetch