django-deployer is a deployment tool for Django that currently deploys any Django app to the following PaaS providers: Dotcloud, Stackato and Google App Engine.
The goal of django-deployer is to minimize the effort to deploy a Django app to any of the popular PaaS providers. It asks a series of questions about your Django project, and then generates a generic deploy.yml file that captures all of your project's requirements. django-deployer then uses this deploy.yml file to translate these requirements into specific configurations for each PaaS.
See the roadmap below for adding support for more providers: Heroku, OpenShift, Elastic Beanstalk and Gondor.
To install django-deployer, use pip
to fetch the package from PyPi:
$ pip install django-deployer
Now from your project's root directory run the deployer-init
command once, and then run fab setup
In this example (using paasbakeoff), we are going to tell django-deployer to prepare our project to deploy to Google App Engine.
$ deployer-init
$ fab setup
We need to ask a few questions before we can deploy your Django app
* What is your Django project directory name?
(This usually contains your and a mywebsite
* What is your Django settings module? [mywebsite.settings]
* Where is your requirements.txt file? [requirements.txt] mywebsite/requirements/project.txt
* What version of Python does your app need? [Python2.7]
* What is your STATIC_URL? [/static/]
* What is your MEDIA_URL? [/media/]
* Which provider would you like to deploy to (dotcloud, openshift, appengine)? appengine
* What's your Google App Engine application ID (see djangodeployermezz
* What's the full instance ID of your Cloud SQL instance (should be in format "projectid:instanceid" found at djangomezzanine:djangomezzdb
* What's your database name? appenginedemo
* Where is your Google App Engine SDK location? [/usr/local/google_appengine]
Creating a deploy.yml with your app's deploy info...
Created /Users/nateaune/Dropbox/code/paasbakeoff/deploy.yml
Just a few more steps before you're ready to deploy your app!
1. Run this command to create the virtualenv with all the packages and deploy:
$ fab deploy
2. Create and sync the db on the Cloud SQL:
$ sh cloudcreatedb
$ sh cloudsyncdb
3. Everything is set up now, you can run other commands that will execute on your remotely deployed app, such as:
$ sh dbshell
Now inspect your project directory and you will see that a file deploy.yml
and various config files were created.
Note: if you're going to try different PaaS providers, it's recommended that you make a separate git branch for each one, because when you re-run fab setup
it could inadvertently overwrite the config files from the first run.
You will notice that when we ran pip install django-deployer
it created a script deployer-init
. When you ran this script, it created a in your current directory that imports the tasks module from the django-deployer
from django_deployer.tasks import *
This means that you can update the django-deployer package and don't need to regenerate the fabfile.
$ pip install -U django-deployer
If you want to develop django-deployer, you can clone it and install it into your project's virtualenv:
$ source bin/activate
(venv)$ git clone git://
(venv)$ cd django-deployer
(venv)$ python develop
Or you can also install an editable source version of it using pip:
$ source bin/activate
(venv)$ pip install -e git+git://
Which will clone the git repo into the src
directory of your project's virtualenv.
- Add support for Heroku, OpenShift, Amazon Elastic Beanstalk and Gondor
- Perform some intelligent code analysis to better guess the settings (see the djangolint project -
- Write tests!
- Caching (Redis, Memcache)
- Celery