Releases: cszang/treeclim
Releases · cszang/treeclim
treeclim version 2.0.0
treeclim version 1.0.15
v1.0.15 even more silent
treeclim 1.0.6
Bug fix: seascorr now prints months in correct order. (not on CRAN yet).
treeclim 1.0.5
this is the version currently on CRAN
doc fixes, more example data, consistent naming scheme
New bootstrapping scheme: stationary bootstrap, now default. Optional checking of autocorrelation structure in proxy data and its bootstrap samples.
Alceste Leboissard
Feature complete (for now ;-), R CMD check is happy, test suite with 90 tests implemented.
Enshu Atsukau
the package is now called climtree, reconstruction skills can be tested.