- Prerequisites
- Terraform Initialize and Apply
- Install the latest AWS CLI v2. Kindly visit AWS CLI Website for installation instructions
- After installation, please run the following command to check whether the aws cli is working
aws --version
- If successfully installed, please acquire the security credentials from AWS IAM. You will be able to set the profile using
aws configure --profile <profile-name>
- Terraform is the IaaC tool offered by Hashicorp. Kindly visit Terraform for details
- Download and install the Terraform CLI
- Check whether you have correctly installed Terraform by running follwing command
terraform -version
Clone the repository
Initialize the Terraform repository using the following command
terraform init
In this repository, the default region and default profile is given as "us-east-1" and "dev" , if you wish to give other values, confirm that you create and initialize the variables inside the .tfvars file
In order to see if there are any syntax errors and checking which services will be added, run the following command
terraform plan
Now, in order to implement it to AWS, Run the following command. Adding --auto-approve tag will disable asking for the confirmation prompt
terraform apply --auto-approve
In order to remove the resources from AWS, please run the following command
terraform destroy --auto-approve
It is advisable to create a file as (file-name).tfvars and initialize the variables inside it. In order to include this tfvar file while applying the resources, please add --var-file="<(fileName)>.tfvars". Refer to following commands for apply and destroy
terraform apply --auto-approve -var-file="<fileName>.tfvars"
terraform destroy --auto-approve -var-file="<fileName>.tfvars"