Validate Fields with Regex Property of Content Type and Global Field in a Stack
$ npm install -g @contentstack/cli
$ csdx plugins:install @contentstack/cli-cm-regex-validate
$ csdx COMMAND
running command...
$ csdx (-v|--version|version)
@contentstack/cli-cm-regex-validate/1.1.5 darwin-x64 node-v16.17.0
$ csdx --help [COMMAND]
$ csdx COMMAND
This command is used to find all the invalid regexes present in the content types and global fields of your stack.
$ csdx cm:stacks:validate-regex
-a, --alias=alias Alias (name) assigned to the management token
-c, --contentType To find invalid regexes within the content types
-f, --filePath=filePath [optional] The path or the location in your file system where the CSV output file should be
-g, --globalField To find invalid regexes within the global fields
-h, --help To show the flags that can be used with this CLI command
$ csdx cm:stacks:validate-regex
$ csdx cm:stacks:validate-regex -a <management_token_alias>
$ csdx cm:stacks:validate-regex -c
$ csdx cm:stacks:validate-regex -g
$ csdx cm:stacks:validate-regex -f <path/to/the/directory>
$ csdx cm:stacks:validate-regex -a <management_token_alias> -c -g
$ csdx cm:stacks:validate-regex -a <management_token_alias> -c -g -f <path/to/the/directory>
See code: src/commands/cm/stacks/validate-regex.ts