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Merge pull request #282 from crytic/dev-temporal
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Add support for time
  • Loading branch information
japesinator authored Aug 5, 2019
2 parents 6bbc25d + 1b1a4b3 commit 9087e79
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Showing 9 changed files with 89 additions and 39 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions examples/solidity/basic/default.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,3 +34,7 @@ quiet: False
#dashboard determines if output is just text or an AFL-like display
dashboard: true
#seed not defined by default, is the random seed
maxTimeDelay: 0
#maximum time between generated txs
maxBlockDelay: 0
#maximum number of blocks elapsed between generated txs
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions examples/solidity/basic/time.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
contract Time {
uint start;
uint marked;

constructor() public {
start = now;
marked = now;

function mark() public {
marked = now;

function echidna_timepassed() public returns (bool) {
return(start == marked);
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions examples/solidity/basic/time.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
maxTimeDelay: 1000
maxBlockDelay: 5
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions lib/Echidna/Config.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
module Echidna.Config where

import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad (liftM2)
import Control.Monad (liftM2, liftM4)
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Control.Monad.Reader (Reader, ReaderT(..), runReader)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ instance FromJSON EConfig where
let goal fname = if (fprefix <> "revert_") `isPrefixOf` fname then ResRevert else ResTrue
return $ TestConf (\fname -> (== goal fname) . maybe ResOther classifyRes . view result)
(const psender)
xc = liftM2 TxConf
(C Dull . fromIntegral <$> v .:? "propMaxGas" .!= (8000030 :: Integer))
(C Dull . fromIntegral <$> v .:? "testMaxGas" .!= (0xffffffff :: Integer))
getWord s d = C Dull . fromIntegral <$> v .:? s .!= (d :: Integer)
xc = liftM4 TxConf (getWord "propMaxGas" 8000030) (getWord "testMaxGas" 0xffffffff)
(getWord "maxTimeDelay" 0) (getWord "maxBlockDelay" 0)
cc = CampaignConf <$> v .:? "testLimit" .!= 50000
<*> v .:? "seqLen" .!= 100
<*> v .:? "shrinkLimit" .!= 5000
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions lib/Echidna/Solidity.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ loadLibraries :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadReader x m, Has SolConf x)
=> [SolcContract] -> Addr -> Addr -> VM -> m VM
loadLibraries [] _ _ vm = return vm
loadLibraries (l:ls) la d vm = loadLibraries ls (la + 1) d =<< loadRest
where loadRest = execStateT (execTx $ Tx (Right $ l ^. creationCode) d la 0xffffffff 0) vm
where loadRest = execStateT (execTx $ Tx (Right $ l ^. creationCode) d la 0xffffffff 0 (0,0)) vm

-- | Generate a string to use as argument in solc to link libraries starting from addrLibrary
linkLibraries :: [String] -> String
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ loadSpecified name cs = let ensure l e = if l == mempty then throwM e else pure
case find (not . null . snd) tests of
Just (t,_) -> throwM $ TestArgsFound t -- Test args check
Nothing -> loadLibraries ls addrLibrary d blank >>= fmap (, fallback : funs, fst <$> tests) .
execStateT (execTx $ Tx (Right bc) d ca 0xffffffff (w256 $ fromInteger balc))
execStateT (execTx $ Tx (Right bc) d ca 0xffffffff (w256 $ fromInteger balc) (0,0))

where choose [] _ = throwM NoContracts
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/Echidna/Test.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ checkETest t = asks getter >>= \(TestConf p s) -> view (hasLens . propGas) >>= \
matchC sig = not . (BS.isPrefixOf . BS.take 4 $ abiCalldata (encodeSig sig) mempty)
res <- case t of
-- If our test is a regular user-defined test, we exec it and check the result
Left (f, a) -> execTx (Tx (Left (f, [])) (s a) a g 0) >> gets (p f . getter)
Left (f, a) -> execTx (Tx (Left (f, [])) (s a) a g 0 (0,0)) >> gets (p f . getter)
-- If our test is an auto-generated assertion test, we check if we failed an assert on that fn
Right sig -> (||) <$> fmap matchR (use $ hasLens . result)
<*> fmap (matchC sig) (use $ hasLens . state . calldata)
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77 changes: 50 additions & 27 deletions lib/Echidna/Transaction.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

module Echidna.Transaction where

Expand All @@ -13,7 +16,7 @@ import Control.Monad (join, liftM2, liftM3, liftM5)
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow)
import Control.Monad.Random.Strict (MonadRandom, getRandomR)
import Control.Monad.Reader.Class (MonadReader)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict (MonadState, State, runState)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict (MonadState, State, evalStateT, runState)
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON(..), object)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Either (either, lefts)
Expand All @@ -39,14 +42,19 @@ data Tx = Tx { _call :: Either SolCall ByteString -- | Either a call or code fo
, _dst :: Addr -- | Destination
, _gas' :: Word -- | Gas
, _value :: Word -- | Value
, _delay :: (Word, Word) -- | (Time, # of blocks since last call)
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

makeLenses ''Tx

data TxConf = TxConf { _propGas :: Word
data TxConf = TxConf { _propGas :: Word
-- ^ Gas to use evaluating echidna properties
, _txGas :: Word
, _txGas :: Word
-- ^ Gas to use in generated transactions
, _maxTimeDelay :: Word
-- ^ Maximum time delay between transactions (seconds)
, _maxBlockDelay :: Word
-- ^ Maximum block delay between transactions

makeLenses 'TxConf
Expand All @@ -55,14 +63,22 @@ makeLenses 'TxConf
ppSolCall :: SolCall -> String
ppSolCall (t, vs) = (if t == "" then T.unpack "*fallback*" else T.unpack t) ++ "(" ++ intercalate "," (ppAbiValue <$> vs) ++ ")"

-- | If half a tuple is zero, make both halves zero. Useful for generating delays, since block number
-- only goes up with timestamp
level :: (Num a, Eq a) => (a, a) -> (a, a)
level (elemOf each 0 -> True) = (0,0)
level x = x

instance ToJSON Tx where
toJSON (Tx c s d g v) = object [ ("call", toJSON $ either ppSolCall (const "<CREATE>") c)
-- from/to are Strings, since JSON doesn't support hexadecimal notation
, ("from", toJSON $ show s)
, ("to", toJSON $ show d)
, ("value", toJSON $ show v)
, ("gas", toJSON $ show g)
toJSON (Tx c s d g v (t,b)) = object [ ("call", toJSON $ either ppSolCall (const "<CREATE>") c)
-- from/to are Strings, since JSON doesn't support hexadecimal notation
, ("from", toJSON $ show s)
, ("to", toJSON $ show d)
, ("value", toJSON $ show v)
, ("gas", toJSON $ show g)
, ("time delay", toJSON $ show t)
, ("block delay", toJSON $ show b)

-- | A contract is just an address with an ABI (for our purposes).
type ContractA = (Addr, [SolSignature])
Expand All @@ -82,41 +98,47 @@ genTxWith :: (MonadRandom m, MonadState x m, Has World x, MonadThrow m)
-> (Addr -> ContractA -> m SolCall) -- ^ Call generator
-> m Word -- ^ Gas generator
-> (Addr -> ContractA -> SolCall -> m Word) -- ^ Value generator
-> m (Word, Word) -- ^ Delay generator
-> m Tx
genTxWith s r c g v = use hasLens >>=
\case (World ss rs) -> let s' = s ss; r' = r rs; c' = join $ liftM2 c s' r' in
liftM5 Tx (Left <$> c') s' (fst <$> r') g =<< liftM3 v s' r' c'
genTxWith s r c g v t = use hasLens >>= \(World ss rs) ->
let s' = s ss; r' = r rs; c' = join $ liftM2 c s' r' in
(liftM5 Tx (Left <$> c') s' (fst <$> r') g =<< liftM3 v s' r' c') <*> t

-- | Synthesize a random 'Transaction', not using a dictionary.
genTx :: (MonadRandom m, MonadReader x m, Has TxConf x, MonadState y m, Has World y, MonadThrow m) => m Tx
genTx = view (hasLens . txGas) >>= \g -> genTxWith (rElem "sender list") (rElem "recipient list")
(const $ genInteractions . snd) (pure g) (\_ _ _ -> pure 0)
genTx :: forall m x y. (MonadRandom m, MonadReader x m, Has TxConf x, MonadState y m, Has World y, MonadThrow m) => m Tx
genTx = use (hasLens :: Lens' y World) >>= evalStateT genTxM . (defaultDict,)

-- | Generate a random 'Transaction' with either synthesis or mutation of dictionary entries.
genTxM :: (MonadRandom m, MonadReader x m, Has TxConf x, MonadState y m, Has GenDict y, Has World y, MonadThrow m) => m Tx
genTxM = view (hasLens . txGas) >>= \g -> genTxWith (rElem "sender list") (rElem "recipient list")
(const $ genInteractionsM . snd) (pure g) (\_ _ _ -> pure 0)
genTxM = view hasLens >>= \(TxConf _ g t b) -> genTxWith
(rElem "sender list") (rElem "recipient list") -- src and dst
(const $ genInteractionsM . snd) -- call itself
(pure g) (\_ _ _ -> pure 0) (level <$> liftM2 (,) (inRange t) (inRange b)) -- gas, value, delay
where inRange hi = w256 . fromIntegral <$> getRandomR (0 :: Integer, fromIntegral hi)

-- | Check if a 'Transaction' is as \"small\" (simple) as possible (using ad-hoc heuristics).
canShrinkTx :: Tx -> Bool
canShrinkTx (Tx (Right _) _ _ _ 0) = False
canShrinkTx (Tx (Left (_,l)) _ _ _ 0) = any canShrinkAbiValue l
canShrinkTx _ = True
canShrinkTx (Tx (Right _) _ _ _ 0 (0,0)) = False
canShrinkTx (Tx (Left (_,l)) _ _ _ 0 (0,0)) = any canShrinkAbiValue l
canShrinkTx _ = True

-- | Given a 'Transaction', generate a random \"smaller\" 'Transaction', preserving origin,
-- destination, value, and call signature.
shrinkTx :: MonadRandom m => Tx -> m Tx
shrinkTx (Tx c s d g (C _ v)) = let c' = either (fmap Left . shrinkAbiCall) (fmap Right . pure) c in
liftM5 Tx c' (pure s) (pure d) (pure g) $ w256 . fromIntegral <$> getRandomR (0 :: Integer, fromIntegral v)
shrinkTx (Tx c s d g (C _ v) (C _ t, C _ b)) = let
c' = either (fmap Left . shrinkAbiCall) (fmap Right . pure) c
lower x = w256 . fromIntegral <$> getRandomR (0 :: Integer, fromIntegral x) in
liftM5 Tx c' (pure s) (pure d) (pure g) (lower v) <*> fmap level (liftM2 (,) (lower t) (lower b))

-- | Given a 'Set' of 'Transaction's, generate a similar 'Transaction' at random.
spliceTxs :: (MonadRandom m, MonadReader x m, Has TxConf x, MonadState y m, Has World y, MonadThrow m) => Set Tx -> m Tx
spliceTxs ts = let l = S.toList ts; (cs, ss) = unzip $ (\(Tx c s _ _ _) -> (c,s)) <$> l in
spliceTxs ts = let l = S.toList ts; (cs, ss) = unzip $ (\(Tx c s _ _ _ _) -> (c,s)) <$> l in
view (hasLens . txGas) >>= \g ->
genTxWith (const . rElem "sender list" $ ss) (rElem "recipient list")
(\_ _ -> mutateAbiCall =<< rElem "past calls" (lefts cs)) (pure g)
(\ _ _ (n,_) -> let valOf (Tx c _ _ _ v) = if elem n $ c ^? _Left . _1 then v else 0
(\ _ _ (n,_) -> let valOf (Tx c _ _ _ v _) = if elem n $ c ^? _Left . _1 then v else 0
in rElem "values" $ valOf <$> l)
(pure (0,0))

-- | Lift an action in the context of a component of some 'MonadState' to an action in the
-- 'MonadState' itself.
Expand All @@ -126,9 +148,10 @@ liftSH = S.state . runState . zoom hasLens
-- | Given a 'Transaction', set up some 'VM' so it can be executed. Effectively, this just brings
-- 'Transaction's \"on-chain\".
setupTx :: (MonadState x m, Has VM x) => Tx -> m ()
setupTx (Tx c s r g v) = liftSH . sequence_ $
setupTx (Tx c s r g v (t, b)) = liftSH . sequence_ $
[ result .= Nothing, state . pc .= 0, state . stack .= mempty, state . memory .= mempty, state . gas .= g
, tx . origin .= s, state . caller .= s, state . callvalue .= v, setup] where
, tx . origin .= s, state . caller .= s, state . callvalue .= v
, block . timestamp += t, block . number += b, setup] where
setup = case c of
Left cd -> loadContract r >> state . calldata .= encode cd
Right bc -> assign (env . contracts . at r) (Just $ initialContract (RuntimeCode bc) & set balance v) >> loadContract r
Expand Down
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions lib/Echidna/UI.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,12 +54,14 @@ type Names = Role -> Addr -> String

-- | Given rules for pretty-printing associated address, and whether to print them, pretty-print a 'Transaction'.
ppTx :: (MonadReader x m, Has Names x, Has TxConf x) => Bool -> Tx -> m String
ppTx b (Tx c s r g v) = let sOf = either ppSolCall (const "<CREATE>") in do
ppTx pn (Tx c s r g v (t, b)) = let sOf = either ppSolCall (const "<CREATE>") in do
names <- view hasLens
tGas <- view $ hasLens . txGas
return $ sOf c ++ (if not b then "" else names Sender s ++ names Receiver r)
++ (if g == tGas then "" else " Gas: " ++ show g)
++ (if v == 0 then "" else " Value: " ++ show v)
return $ sOf c ++ (if not pn then "" else names Sender s ++ names Receiver r)
++ (if g == tGas then "" else " Gas: " ++ show g)
++ (if v == 0 then "" else " Value: " ++ show v)
++ (if t == 0 then "" else " Time delay: " ++ show t)
++ (if b == 0 then "" else " Block delay: " ++ show b)

-- | Given a number of boxes checked and a number of total boxes, pretty-print progress in box-checking.
progress :: Int -> Int -> String
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/test/Spec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ seedTests =
, testCase "same seeds" $ assertBool "results differ" =<< same 0 0
where cfg s = defaultConfig & sConf . quiet .~ True
& cConf .~ CampaignConf 600 5 0 Nothing (Just s)
& cConf .~ CampaignConf 600 20 0 Nothing (Just s)
gen s = view tests <$> runContract "basic/flags.sol" (cfg s)
same s t = liftM2 (==) (gen s) (gen t)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -146,6 +146,8 @@ integrationTests = testGroup "Solidity Integration Testing"
, testContract "basic/assert.sol" (Just "basic/assert.yaml")
[ ("echidna_set0 passed", solved "ASSERTION set0")
, ("echidna_set1 failed", passed "ASSERTION set1") ]
, testContract "basic/time.sol" (Just "basic/time.yaml")
[ ("echidna_timepassed passed", solved "echidna_timepassed") ]

testContract :: FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> [(String, Campaign -> Bool)] -> TestTree
Expand Down

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