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Version 1.1.2

Cryptr Authentication Strategy for Passport.js.

Use it in your Node/Express/Nest project when you are using PassportJs to authorize actions or access specific controller routes

Based on passport-strategy@1.x.x and passport@^0.6.0



You have two choices :

  1. Use Environnment variables:
# .env
  1. Use config struct

Your config should follow this interface

  audiences: string[],
  tenants: string[],
  client_ids: string[],
  base_url: string


  "audiences": [""],
  "client_ids": ["8363b1b4-68bb-4257-9e45-5513aecc1703"],
  "tenants": ["my-domain"],
  "base_url": ""


For now, opts follow this struct

opts?: {
  test: boolean

⚠️ if you do not use opts value for test will be

  • prior to CRYPTR_TEST_MODE env value
  • or result of NODE_ENV === 'development' if prior not succeed

How to handle migration to SDK v >= 1.0.0

Major change to this version is that this new one requires client_ids in configuration

Use Cryptr Passport Strategy

What is the return of Strategy ?

When token prior to version 3


interface Claims {
  aud: string
  cid: string
  exp: number
  iat: number
  ips string // "cryptr" or provider (ex: azure_ad)
  iss: string
  jti: string
  jtt: string
  resource_owner_metadata: any
  sci: string | null // SSO Connection ID
  scp: Array<string>
  sub: string
  tnt: string
  version: number

interface CryptrStrategyResult {
  valid: boolean
  claims?: Claims
  errors?: string
  • valid -> is the token provided is validated from our service
  • claims all data that we can provide to you about the claims of the token
  • errors-> Inform you about what makes it not valid (mainly No Compliant claims)

How to manage this?

The purpose of the result is there to help you authorize or not the end-user to access or do something. If all your tests are successfull -> authorize If not you should throw an unauthorized error

Basic behaviour

No need really to expand how but if you don not need extra data from claims you can basically check for success:

let success = res.valid && !== undefined && res.errors === undefined

More testing

This section explain how to manage claims in aim to authorize your end-user action

Main properties to check:

  • resource_owner_metadata
  • scp
  • tnt
  • exp
  • version
  • ips
  1. resource_owner_metadata this property reflects metadata you register in Cryptr DB about your end-user properties. This is an object or a null value

⚠️ the following keys are not accurate, keys you receive are related to metadata you set to your tenant in cryptr

your_user_id related to the ID of the end user in your DB section related to your website section where to redirect end-user page-preferences related to page settings end-user chose

  1. scp is the current allowed scope for this token.

the value is one of defined in your applciation allowed_scopes ⚠️ if the value is ['limited'] that means you should constrain end-user to limited actions/access . This value occurs mainly when token came from a refresh token rotation.

  1. tnt should ALWAYS be your cryptr tenant domain

  2. exp is a timestamp and represent when this token expires, If it's in the past it should be not valid

  3. version Is now 1 but may increment in future update of this strategy

  4. ips Represent cryptr if you are in magic link process, even it's the SSO provider ex: azure_ad

  5. sci Only set if you are on SSO process, representing the ID of the connection SSO used ex: shark_academy_Bew14hd05jd

When token since version 3

Some changes where applied to JWT structure. Here are some of them

Obsolete claims

  • sci
  • ips
  • application_metadata

Renamed claims

  • tnt is now org
  • dbs is now env
  • resource_owner_meta is now meta_data bulb see New claims

New claims

  1. The first one is identities that retrieve all information on any connection used by the end-user for his authentications. Quick sneak of `identities`` item skeleton

    • idp_id connection ID
    • authenticated_at unix timestamp of connection
    • provider used provider to connect
    • data any data from the connection (ex: all SSO attributes if it's SSO)
  2. dp_user_id is present if Cryptr retrieve the ID from the connection provider

  3. profile is now the drawer where you can retrieve any known user properties such as family_name, given_name ...