walletbotd is a Telegram bot that allows you to remotely control any cryptocurrency wallet you have running at home, through a simple chat interface from anywhere in the world.
Because of this, it needs to be run aside of a *coind daemon. It will execute queries directly to your -coind daemon, sending data back and forth with you through Telegram.
In short, the steps to run walletbotd (assuming you already have a wallet running), are:
git clone https://github.com/nexus166/walletbotd
cd walletbotd
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
cp wbdconf.py.template wbdconf.py # Edit wbdconf.py!
python3 wbd.py
Command list:
/info - get generic information about your wallet,
/wallet - display active accounts in your wallet,
/account - display detailed info about an account,
`/account myaccount1`
/newaccount - create a new account in your wallet,
`/newaccount mynewaccount2`
/unlock - unlocks your wallet for two minutes to send coins,
`/unlock mysupersecretwalletpassword`
/send - send MintCoin from automatically selected inputs,
`/send Mpr3zWUEZrowiKC5dwJanq5faenUzR613L 100000`
/advsend - send MintCoin from a specific account,
`/advsend myaccount2 Mpr3zWUEZrowiKC5dwJanq5faenUzR613L 100000`
/move - move MintCoin from a specific account to another within your wallet,
`/move myaccount1 myaccount2 100000`
/help - this helper you see right now.
Credits @enlil0 (telegram)
Contributions (in form of pull requests) are as welcome as donations:
BTC > 171Ey4apVsHzdVpQ92TJDAKpqUK7Zb9s43
DOGE > DKorffb2C1wB4bE6ZBdY89vxL9Wq181MPQ
VTC > VimCCV3PcqRuqQy3z8i2joX4XauNEeVRcq
MINT > MqTi9dbapN4T7J7SUZns3zzXKq637H1Syj
TZC > TobmK56ayekd1y5jiTYti4czVwobKBM1hn