A more intuitive display of the symbol structure of golang files.
Fast, asynchronous, intuitive, collapsible, automatic, show all methods even if they are not in the same file as the corresponding type and more.
neovim >= 0.7
go get -u github.com/jstemmer/gotags
Use your favorite package management tool
With Packer
use {
branch = "main"
git clone https://github.com/crusj/structrue-go.nvim.git ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/plugins/start/structrue-go.nvim
show_others_method = true, -- bool show methods of struct whose not in current file
show_filename = true, -- bool
number = "no", -- show number: no | nu | rnu
fold_open_icon = " ",
fold_close_icon = " ",
cursor_symbol_hl = "guibg=Gray guifg=White", -- symbol hl under cursor,
indent = "┠", -- Hierarchical indent icon, nil or empty will be a tab
position = "botright", -- window position,default botright,also can set float
symbol = { -- symbol style
filename = {
hl = "guifg=#0096C7", -- highlight symbol
icon = " " -- symbol icon
package = {
hl = "guifg=#0096C7",
icon = " "
import = {
hl = "guifg=#0096C7",
icon = " ◈ "
const = {
hl = "guifg=#E44755",
icon = " π ",
variable = {
hl = "guifg=#52A5A2",
icon = " ◈ ",
func = {
hl = "guifg=#CEB996",
icon = " ",
interface = {
hl = "guifg=#00B4D8",
icon = "❙ "
type = {
hl = "guifg=#00B4D8",
icon = "▱ ",
struct = {
hl = "guifg=#00B4D8",
icon = "❏ ",
field = {
hl = "guifg=#CEB996",
icon = " ▪ "
method_current = {
hl = "guifg=#CEB996",
icon = " ƒ "
method_others = {
hl = "guifg=#CEB996",
icon = " "
keymap = {
toggle = "<leader>m", -- toggle structure-go window
show_others_method_toggle = "H", -- show or hidden the methods of struct whose not in current file
symbol_jump = "<CR>", -- jump to then symbol file under cursor
center_symbol = "\\f", -- Center the highlighted symbol
fold_toggle = "\\z",
refresh = "R", -- refresh symbols
preview_open = "P", -- preview symbol context open
preview_close = "\\p" -- preview symbol context close
fold = { -- fold symbols
import = true,
const = false,
variable = false,
type = false,
interface = false,
func = false,
Keymap | Action | Description |
<leader>m |
:lua require'structrue-go'.toggle() |
Toggle structure-go |
:lua require'structrue-go'.close() |
Close structrue-go | |
:lua require'structrue-go'.open() |
Open structrue-go | |
H |
:lua require'structrue-go'.hide_others_methods_toggle() |
Show or hidden the methods of struct whose not in current file |
<CR> |
:lua require'structrue-go'.jump() |
Jump to the symbol file under cursor |
R |
:lua require'structrue-go'.refresh() |
Refresh symbols |
<leader>z |
:lua require'structrue-go'.fold_toggle() |
Toggle fold |
P |
:lua require'structrue-go'.preview_open() |
Preview symbol context |
\p |
:lua require'structrue-go'.preview_close() |
Close preview symbol context |
<leader>f |
:lua require'structrue-go'.center_symbol() |
Center the highlighted symbol |