Library to work with Xiaomi MiBand 2 (Support python2/python3) Read the Article here
- Base lib provided by Leo Soares
- Additional debug & fixes was made by my friend Volodymyr Shymanskyy
- Some info that really helped i got from Freeyourgadget team
More interesing stuff about Software Developing
- Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Turn on your Bluetooth
- Unpair you MiBand2 from current mobile apps
- Find out you MiBand2 MAC address
sudo hcitool lescan
- Run this to auth device
python --mac MAC_ADDRESS --init
- Run this to call demo functions
python --standard --mac MAC_ADDRESS
python --help
- If you having problems(BLE can glitch sometimes) try this and repeat from 4)
sudo hciconfig hci0 reset
Also there is cool JS library that made Volodymyr Shymansky
If you like what im doing, you can send me some money for pepsi(i dont drink alcohol).
To the extent possible under law,
Andrey Nikishaev
has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to
Library to work with Xiaomi MiBand 2 .