A project made for CV (Computação Visual) course of MIECT, at DETI-UA (University of Aveiro).
As the first subject of this course was the introduction and development of computer graphics on WebGL, one of the projects available to choose was the computation of 3D fractals using this technology. This project shows on a web page developed using Javascript (WebGL) various fractals well known such as Sierpinski Gasket, Koch Snowflake, Mosely Snowflake, Menger Sponger and Jerusalem Cube. Then, on the web page it's possible to add more iterations to the computation, rotate the object in each axis (x, y and z) and other options such as zooming, changing color, etc.
NOTE: This project may be incomplete and it surely needs more attention and features, but that's what we could do for the deadline provided of the course.
Open index.html on a web browser.