To add this repository to KODI you have to install it from the following zip file
by using the add-on manager (see
My google tv does not allow me to edit/create the "advancedsettings.xml" file and since it has several issues related to out-of-sync audio if passthrough is used, I need kodi settings recently added. That is why I created this add-on by forking and adding the settings I need. The sources of the add-on can be found in the following folder:
Once you have installed my repository (see above), you can install the add-on called "advancedsettings" (actual version: 1.0.6) by navigating to "System/Add-ons/repository.cridemichel/Program add-ons".
- Download this file
- Navigate to System/Add-ons/Install from the zip file and specify the file downloaded on the previous step.
- Navigate to System/Add-ons/repository.cridemichel/Program add-ons, click on "Unlock Kodi Advanced Settings" and install it.