TICO is a BabylonJS Demo using Scroll to navigate in an animation designed in 3DsMax and exported to GLB.
Initially thought to make an interactive 3D Visual Portfolio, but as I'm very busy I have left it for the near future.
Use mouse scroll or slide touch in mobile to move in the animation.
Click on the objects to play custom animations.
✓ Setup NPM and Install BJS
- Install NodeJS from https://nodejs.org/en
- Download or Clone this Repository
- Open a Terminal (Usign for example VSCode)
- RUN: npm install (To Install BJS Libraries from NPM)
✓ Main Code
- Everything is in main.js and navigation.js in js folder.
- In main.js you must define the main variables
- The position is linked with "scroll-sections"
- The number of sections must correspond to the number of scrollSteps
- In navigation.js there is a function checkPositionForDIVS(); which lets you know the current scrollPosition
- Play, share it, take a look and I hope you enjoy it
✓ Try the Live DEMO