This code is rather old, it may not even compile with latest deal.II versions; in that case try with v9.5.0.
For more recent examples of DG codes, see
Discontinuous Galerkin solver for compressible flows. Some features of the code are
- cartesian and quadrilateral cells
- Qk basis: nodal Lagrange polynomials on Gauss points
- Pk basis: Legendre polynomials
- TVB limiter
- Positivity preserving limiter
- Flux functions: Lax-Friedrichs, Roe, HLLC, KFVS
###Getting dflo
git clone
You have to first compile deal.II with Trilinos library, UMFPACK, threads. Serial versions of these libraries are sufficient since the code in "src" is a serial code.
cd dflo/src
- You must set the variable
to your deal.II installation directory. It is good to set this in your bashrc file. cmake .
By default, this compiles a DEBUG version of the code which is good for code development but runs very slowly. In order to compile optimized version, do
make release
This is the mpi version which uses p4est. So you must install p4est and compile deal.II with p4est support. It does not require trilinos.
To install p4est, see this page
Obtain latest version of deal.II from github
git clone
Change into dealii directory
cd dealii
mkdir build
cd build
Configure deal.II. A basic setup is given in the file
. Just run this inside build
Now compile deal.II and install it
make all
make install
After this you can compile dflo.
Many test cases are included in the examples
directory. In most examples, a geo file is provided to generate the mesh. You need Gmsh to generate the mesh as follows
gmsh -2 grid.geo
Then run dflo
dflo input.prm
Some parts of dflo are parallelized with threads. You can specify number of threads to use while starting dflo
dflo input.prm 4
which will run with 4 threads.
To run the mpi version, do
mpirun -np 4 dflo input.prm