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fix: use correct config key for db_backend (#17406)
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Co-authored-by: Kevin Yang <>
(cherry picked from commit 6b0f8ad)

# Conflicts:
#	server/config/toml.go
#	server/util_test.go
#	tools/confix/data/v0.47-app.toml
#	tools/confix/data/v0.50-app.toml
  • Loading branch information
julienrbrt authored and mergify[bot] committed Aug 16, 2023
1 parent 0a28ba9 commit 3d540b7
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Showing 6 changed files with 521 additions and 1 deletion.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ Ref:

### Bug Fixes

* (server) [#17181]( Fix `db_backend` lookup fallback from `config.toml`.
* (runtime) [#17284]( Properly allow to combine depinject-enabled modules and non-depinject-enabled modules in app v2.
* (baseapp) [#17159]( Validators can propose blocks that exceed the gas limit.
* (baseapp) [#16547]( Ensure a transaction's gas limit cannot exceed the block gas limit.
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions server/config/toml.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -83,8 +83,12 @@ iavl-lazy-loading = {{ .BaseConfig.IAVLLazyLoading }}
# AppDBBackend defines the database backend type to use for the application and snapshots DBs.
# An empty string indicates that a fallback will be used.
<<<<<<< HEAD
# First fallback is the deprecated compile-time types.DBBackend value.
# Second fallback (if the types.DBBackend also isn't set), is the db-backend value set in Tendermint's config.toml.
# The fallback is the db_backend value set in CometBFT's config.toml.
>>>>>>> 6b0f8add4 (fix: use correct config key for db_backend (#17406))
app-db-backend = "{{ .BaseConfig.AppDBBackend }}"
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion server/util.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ func WaitForQuitSignals() ErrorCode {
func GetAppDBBackend(opts types.AppOptions) dbm.BackendType {
rv := cast.ToString(opts.Get("app-db-backend"))
if len(rv) == 0 {
rv = cast.ToString(opts.Get("db-backend"))
rv = cast.ToString(opts.Get("db_backend"))
if len(rv) != 0 {
return dbm.BackendType(rv)
Expand Down
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions server/util_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,8 +10,14 @@ import (

<<<<<<< HEAD
tmcfg ""
cmtcfg ""
db ""
>>>>>>> 6b0f8add4 (fix: use correct config key for db_backend (#17406))

Expand All @@ -38,6 +44,15 @@ func preRunETestImpl(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
return cancelledInPreRun

func TestGetAppDBBackend(t *testing.T) {
v := viper.New()
require.Equal(t, server.GetAppDBBackend(v), db.GoLevelDBBackend)
v.Set("db_backend", "dbtype1") // value from CometBFT config
require.Equal(t, server.GetAppDBBackend(v), db.BackendType("dbtype1"))
v.Set("app-db-backend", "dbtype2") // value from app.toml
require.Equal(t, server.GetAppDBBackend(v), db.BackendType("dbtype2"))

func TestInterceptConfigsPreRunHandlerCreatesConfigFilesWhenMissing(t *testing.T) {
tempDir := t.TempDir()
cmd := server.StartCmd(nil, "/foobar")
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269 changes: 269 additions & 0 deletions tools/confix/data/v0.47-app.toml
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@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
# This is a TOML config file.
# For more information, see

### Base Configuration ###

# The minimum gas prices a validator is willing to accept for processing a
# transaction. A transaction's fees must meet the minimum of any denomination
# specified in this config (e.g. 0.25token1;0.0001token2).
minimum-gas-prices = "0stake"

# default: the last 362880 states are kept, pruning at 10 block intervals
# nothing: all historic states will be saved, nothing will be deleted (i.e. archiving node)
# everything: 2 latest states will be kept; pruning at 10 block intervals.
# custom: allow pruning options to be manually specified through 'pruning-keep-recent', and 'pruning-interval'
pruning = "default"

# These are applied if and only if the pruning strategy is custom.
pruning-keep-recent = "0"
pruning-interval = "0"

# HaltHeight contains a non-zero block height at which a node will gracefully
# halt and shutdown that can be used to assist upgrades and testing.
# Note: Commitment of state will be attempted on the corresponding block.
halt-height = 0

# HaltTime contains a non-zero minimum block time (in Unix seconds) at which
# a node will gracefully halt and shutdown that can be used to assist upgrades
# and testing.
# Note: Commitment of state will be attempted on the corresponding block.
halt-time = 0

# MinRetainBlocks defines the minimum block height offset from the current
# block being committed, such that all blocks past this offset are pruned
# from Tendermint. It is used as part of the process of determining the
# ResponseCommit.RetainHeight value during ABCI Commit. A value of 0 indicates
# that no blocks should be pruned.
# This configuration value is only responsible for pruning Tendermint blocks.
# It has no bearing on application state pruning which is determined by the
# "pruning-*" configurations.
# Note: Tendermint block pruning is dependant on this parameter in conjunction
# with the unbonding (safety threshold) period, state pruning and state sync
# snapshot parameters to determine the correct minimum value of
# ResponseCommit.RetainHeight.
min-retain-blocks = 0

# InterBlockCache enables inter-block caching.
inter-block-cache = true

# IndexEvents defines the set of events in the form {eventType}.{attributeKey},
# which informs Tendermint what to index. If empty, all events will be indexed.
# Example:
# ["message.sender", "message.recipient"]
index-events = []

# IavlCacheSize set the size of the iavl tree cache (in number of nodes).
iavl-cache-size = 781250

# IAVLDisableFastNode enables or disables the fast node feature of IAVL.
# Default is false.
iavl-disable-fastnode = false

# IAVLLazyLoading enable/disable the lazy loading of iavl store.
# Default is false.
iavl-lazy-loading = false

# AppDBBackend defines the database backend type to use for the application and snapshots DBs.
# An empty string indicates that a fallback will be used.
# The fallback is the db_backend value set in Tendermint's config.toml.
app-db-backend = ""

### Telemetry Configuration ###


# Prefixed with keys to separate services.
service-name = ""

# Enabled enables the application telemetry functionality. When enabled,
# an in-memory sink is also enabled by default. Operators may also enabled
# other sinks such as Prometheus.
enabled = false

# Enable prefixing gauge values with hostname.
enable-hostname = false

# Enable adding hostname to labels.
enable-hostname-label = false

# Enable adding service to labels.
enable-service-label = false

# PrometheusRetentionTime, when positive, enables a Prometheus metrics sink.
prometheus-retention-time = 0

# GlobalLabels defines a global set of name/value label tuples applied to all
# metrics emitted using the wrapper functions defined in telemetry package.
# Example:
# [["chain_id", "cosmoshub-1"]]
global-labels = []

### API Configuration ###


# Enable defines if the API server should be enabled.
enable = false

# Swagger defines if swagger documentation should automatically be registered.
swagger = false

# Address defines the API server to listen on.
address = "tcp://localhost:1317"

# MaxOpenConnections defines the number of maximum open connections.
max-open-connections = 1000

# RPCReadTimeout defines the Tendermint RPC read timeout (in seconds).
rpc-read-timeout = 10

# RPCWriteTimeout defines the Tendermint RPC write timeout (in seconds).
rpc-write-timeout = 0

# RPCMaxBodyBytes defines the Tendermint maximum request body (in bytes).
rpc-max-body-bytes = 1000000

# EnableUnsafeCORS defines if CORS should be enabled (unsafe - use it at your own risk).
enabled-unsafe-cors = false

### Rosetta Configuration ###


# Enable defines if the Rosetta API server should be enabled.
enable = false

# Address defines the Rosetta API server to listen on.
address = ":8080"

# Network defines the name of the blockchain that will be returned by Rosetta.
blockchain = "app"

# Network defines the name of the network that will be returned by Rosetta.
network = "network"

# Retries defines the number of retries when connecting to the node before failing.
retries = 3

# Offline defines if Rosetta server should run in offline mode.
offline = false

# EnableDefaultSuggestedFee defines if the server should suggest fee by default.
# If 'construction/medata' is called without gas limit and gas price,
# suggested fee based on gas-to-suggest and denom-to-suggest will be given.
enable-fee-suggestion = false

# GasToSuggest defines gas limit when calculating the fee
gas-to-suggest = 200000

# DenomToSuggest defines the defult denom for fee suggestion.
# Price must be in minimum-gas-prices.
denom-to-suggest = "uatom"

### gRPC Configuration ###


# Enable defines if the gRPC server should be enabled.
enable = true

# Address defines the gRPC server address to bind to.
address = "localhost:9090"

# MaxRecvMsgSize defines the max message size in bytes the server can receive.
# The default value is 10MB.
max-recv-msg-size = "10485760"

# MaxSendMsgSize defines the max message size in bytes the server can send.
# The default value is math.MaxInt32.
max-send-msg-size = "2147483647"

### gRPC Web Configuration ###


# GRPCWebEnable defines if the gRPC-web should be enabled.
# NOTE: gRPC must also be enabled, otherwise, this configuration is a no-op.
enable = true

# Address defines the gRPC-web server address to bind to.
address = "localhost:9091"

# EnableUnsafeCORS defines if CORS should be enabled (unsafe - use it at your own risk).
enable-unsafe-cors = false

### State Sync Configuration ###

# State sync snapshots allow other nodes to rapidly join the network without replaying historical
# blocks, instead downloading and applying a snapshot of the application state at a given height.

# snapshot-interval specifies the block interval at which local state sync snapshots are
# taken (0 to disable).
snapshot-interval = 0

# snapshot-keep-recent specifies the number of recent snapshots to keep and serve (0 to keep all).
snapshot-keep-recent = 2

### Store / State Streaming ###

streamers = []

keys = ["*"]
write_dir = ""
prefix = ""

# output-metadata specifies if output the metadata file which includes the abci request/responses
# during processing the block.
output-metadata = "true"

# stop-node-on-error specifies if propagate the file streamer errors to consensus state machine.
stop-node-on-error = "true"

# fsync specifies if call fsync after writing the files.
fsync = "false"

### Mempool ###

# Setting max-txs to 0 will allow for a unbounded amount of transactions in the mempool.
# Setting max_txs to negative 1 (-1) will disable transactions from being inserted into the mempool.
# Setting max_txs to a positive number (> 0) will limit the number of transactions in the mempool, by the specified amount.
# Note, this configuration only applies to SDK built-in app-side mempool
# implementations.
max-txs = "5000"

# This is the maximum sdk gas (wasm and storage) that we allow for any x/wasm "smart" queries
query_gas_limit = 300000
# This is the number of wasm vm instances we keep cached in memory for speed-up
# Warning: this is currently unstable and may lead to crashes, best to keep for 0 unless testing locally
lru_size = 0

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