An extract transform library
Extract data from csv, transform with built-in transformers or create your own transformation function. Create views over data with built-in expressions:
- Eq (==)
- Lt (<)
- Gt (>)
- Or (||)
- And (&&)
- Not (!)
Loading a csv, getting all records that have a mailed date and a recorded date but where recorded date is less than the mailed date.
In sql this might look like: sql SELECT * FROM file f WHERE f.MailedDate IS NOT NULL AND f.RecordedDate IS NOT NULL AND f.RecordedDate < f.MailedDate
var (
table Composer
err error = nil
// Create a definition
def := types.NewSchema(
types.Column("Loan ID", loanId, true, true),
types.Column("Date UCC mailed", dateNilable, true),
types.Column("UCC Comments", stringNilable, true),
types.Column("UCC check #", stringNilable, true),
types.Column("UCC fee (per filing)", floatNilable, true),
types.Column("Date UCC recorded", dateNilable, true),
types.Column("UCC document #", stringNilable, true),
types.Column("Date FIXTURE mailed", dateNilable, true),
types.Column("FIXTURE Comments", stringNilable, true),
types.Column("FIXTURE check #", stringNilable, true),
types.Column("FIXTURE fee (per filing)", floatNilable, true),
types.Column("Date FIXTURE recorded", dateNilable, true),
types.Column("FIXTURE document #", stringNilable, true),
types.Column("Date FIXTURE REFILE sent", dateNilable, true),
types.Column("Date FIXTURE REFILE recorded", dateNilable, true),
types.Column("FIXTURE REFILE document #", stringNilable, true),
// load the actual file
f, er := os.Open(testFile)
if er != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
src = bufio.NewReader(f)
// Creat a new input source from the loaded file and the definition
subject := input.Csv(src, def)
p := parser.NewParser(&subject)
// Parser has two functions, the first to validate the schema and set column information on the root node and parser
if err = p.Validate(nil); err != nil {
return nil, err
// The parsers other function is to parse the body of the file into the data structure exttra uses for writing and creating views
table, err = p.Parse()
if err != nil {
// Get nodes needed for statement
uccRecorded = table.Find("Date UCC recorded")
uccMailed = table.Find("Date UCC mailed")
fixRecorded = table.Find("Date FIXTURE recorded")
fixMailed = table.Find("Date FIXTURE mailed")
// Create a null node as a comparator
null, _ := data.NewNode(nil, data.V(nil))
err = view.NewView(
view.Select("Loan ID", "Date UCC recorded", "Date UCC mailed", "Date FIXTURE mailed", "Date FIXTURE recorded"),
And{Not{Eq{uccMailed, null}},
Not{Eq{uccRecorded, null}}},
Lt{uccRecorded, uccMailed},
And{Not{Eq{fixMailed, null}},
Not{Eq{fixRecorded, null}}},
Lt{fixRecorded, fixMailed},
// Create a type to map results to
type record struct {
LoanId string
UCCRecordedDt time.Time
UCCMailedDt time.Time
FIXRecordedDt time.Time
FIXMailedDt time.Time
// mem is an out parameter used with Mem(ory) output
mem := make([]interface{}, 0)
var tmpl record
if err = output.Mem(table, tmpl, &mem,
output.Alias("Loan ID", "LoanId"),
output.Alias("Date UCC recorded", "UCCRecordedDt"),
output.Alias("Date UCC mailed", "UCCMailedDt"),
output.Alias("Date FIXTURE recorded", "FIXRecordedDt"),
output.Alias("Date FIXTURE mailed", "FIXMailedDt")).Flush(); err != nil {
// Results are now loaded to mem in the shape of the record type