Ape is a tiny library I’ve being using to simplify some REST API tasks. Think of it as solving some of the problems Alamofire does, but it’s under 100 lines of code so you can wrap your head around the whole thing. 🙈🙊🙉
import Ape
import Foundation // for NSURL
let url = NSURL(string: "http://google.com")!
_ = Ape(method: .Get, url: url, body: .None) {
resp in
print("got a response")
sleep(10) // wait for async operation to complete (assuming you're running this on command line.
Ape supports Get, Post, Put and Delete.
Ape's Body enum can contain JSON objects, NSData, or nothing.
Supply a JSON body:
let json = ["name": "world", "count": 10]
_ = Ape(method: .Get, url: url, body: .JSON(json)) { resp in }
Supply an NSData body:
let data = "Please feed me tacos".dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)
_ = Ape(method: .Get, url: url, body: .Data(data)) { resp in }
Ape's APIResponse struct has three public properties:
public let body: Body
public let urlResponse: NSHTTPURLResponse?
public let error: ErrorType?
is just like the body when you're sending a request, either .None
or .Data
. To unpack it, you can use the usual switch statement:
switch resp.body {
case .JSON(let json):
case .Data(let data):
case .None:
You can also use conditional pattern matching to check for a single case:
if case .JSON(let json) = resp.body { // also works in a gaurd statement
print("json is \(json)")
Ape has two init methods:
init(method: Method = .Get, request: NSURLRequest, body: Body = .None, completion: ResponseClosure)
init(method: Method = .Get, url: NSURL, auth: AuthClosure = { _ in }, body: Body = .None, completion: ResponseClosure)
As you can see, most of the parameters have default values, so you can omit them if you are ok with the defaults.
Ape(request: request) {
resp in
// ...
Ape(url: request) {
resp in
// ...
AuthClosure is a typealias of the closure type (NSMutableURLRequest)->(Void)
, a closure that takes in a mutable url request and modifies it to contain auth data (set http headers, etc).
Add Later to your Package.swift
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "YourPackageName",
dependencies: [
.Package(url: "https://github.com/coryalder/Ape.git", majorVersion: 0),