Originally built in Nov. 2018 for sp2010. SPFx version built in Jan. 2020 on SPFx 1.12.1
Could probably use some refactoring 😄
Track who is visiting your site!
SPO Analytics is an SPFx Application Customizer that logs the number of times a user visits specific pages on an SPO site. The data is saved to a List on the same site. One row per user.
Clone, package, deploy and install this solution to your site's App Catalog
- Create a List with this exact name: SPO_Analytics
- New Single Line of Text column: Username
- New Number column for each page you want to track
- The column names should match the page names exactly. Use the page's url to ensure that you have the corect name For example, create a column called Home if you want to track your site's homepage
- Set the Number of decimal places to 0
- Set the Default value to 0
- Ensure that everyone visiting your site can write to the SPO_Analytics List
- This may involve breaking inheritance on the List and giving the Visitors group Contribute rights
- Sit back and watch the hits roll in!
Open devtools, the console should be logging one of these three messages:
- 'SPO_Analytics' list does not exist on this site
- Make sure the List is created and named correctly
- This page is not being tracked
- There isn't a column for current page. Make sure the column exists and is named correctly
- creating item
- 👍 A new user has visited the page
- updating item
- 👍 An existing user has returned to the page
If you don't see any of these messages, make sure the app is installed on the site.