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Common code that is shared amongst the Freshli repositories


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Common testing and build tools code used by Freshli projects.


Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing:

$ bundle add freshli-commons

If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install the gem by executing:

$ gem install freshli-commons


Step Definitions

The following step definitions, and supporting classes, are defined in this repository:

Working with command output:

  • Then(/^it should (pass|fail) with exact output containing file paths:$/)

Working with CycloneDX files:

  • Then('the CycloneDX file {string} should be valid')
  • Then('the CycloneDX file {string} should contain {string}')

Working with Git repositories:

  • Given('I clone the git repository {string} with the sha {string}')
  • Then('running git status should not report any modifications for {string}')

Working with Freshli Language Agent gRPC services:

  • Given('a test service is started on port {int}')
  • Then('GetValidatingRepositories response should contain:')
  • Then('RetrieveReleaseHistory response should be empty')
  • Then('RetrieveReleaseHistory response should contain the following versions and release dates:')
  • Then('the DetectManifests response contains the following file paths expanded beneath {string}:')
  • Then('the freshli_agent.proto gRPC service is running on port {int}')
  • Then('the GetValidatingPackages response should contain:')
  • Then('the ProcessManifest response contains the following file paths expanded beneath {string}:')
  • Then('there are no services running on port {int}')
  • When('I call DetectManifests with the full path to {string} on port {int}')
  • When('I call GetValidatingPackages on port {int}')
  • When('I call GetValidatingRepositories on port {int}')
  • When('I call ProcessManifest with the expanded path {string} and the moment {string} on port {int}')
  • When('I call RetrieveReleaseHistory with {string} on port {int}')
  • When('I wait for the freshli_agent.proto gRPC service to be running on port {int}')
  • When('the gRPC service on port {int} is sent the shutdown command')
  • When('the test service running on port {int} is stopped')


The Corgibytes::Freshli::Commons::Execute module contains methods for helping with executing shell commands in a shell/like Ruby script, such as build.rb, test.rb, lint.rb.

Files that use it should pull it in using:

require 'corgibytes/freshli/commons/execute'
# rubocop:disable Style/MixinUsage
include Corgibytes::Freshli::Commons::Execute
# rubocop:enable Style/MixinUsage

The rubocop disable/enable lines avoid a warning from Rubocop about including the modules contents into the global namespace.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in .semver, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to


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Common code that is shared amongst the Freshli repositories



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