Type safe and scala friendly wrapper around google people api
// getting a users contacts
// NOTE: that this method must be called as the result of an event (eg: button push) as it opens a window to perform auth
def myEventHandler() = {
val scopes = scalajs.js.Array("https://www.googleapis.com/auth/contacts.readonly")
gapi.auth.authorize(AuthParams(CLIENT_ID, scopes), { authResult: GoogleApiOAuth2TokenObject =>
if (authResult.error.isDefined) println(s"error: ${authResult.error}")
else {
gapi.client.load("https://people.googleapis.com/$discovery/rest", "v1").toFuture.foreach { _ =>
val primaryListFuture = people.connections(500).map { connections: people.Connections =>
people.get(connections.connections).flatMap { person =>
val name = people.get(person.names).headOption.map(_.displayName.getOrElse("")).getOrElse("")
// do cool shiz ..