pluggable database abstraction
var db:IDatabase = DatabaseFactory.instance.createDatabase(DatabaseFactory.MYSQL, {
database: "somedb",
host: "localhost",
user: "someuser",
pass: "somepassword"
Note: must include db-mysql for plugin to be auto-registered
var db:IDatabase = DatabaseFactory.instance.createDatabase(DatabaseFactory.SQLITE, {
filename: "somedb.db"
Note: must include db-sqlite for plugin to be auto-registered
db.connect().then(result -> {
return result.database.createTable("Persons", [
{name: "PersonID", type: Number, options: [PrimaryKey, NotNull, AutoIncrement]},
{name: "FirstName", type: Text(50), options: [NotNull]},
{name: "LastName", type: Text(50), options: [NotNull]}
}).then(result -> {
var record = new Record();
record.field("FirstName", "Ian");
record.field("LastName", "Harrigan");
return result.table.add(record);
}).then(result -> {
return result.table.all();
}).then(result -> {
return result.table.findOne(query($FirstName = "Ian" && $LastName = "Harrigan")); // "find" will return an array of records instead
}).then(result -> {
record.field("FirstName", "Ian_New");
record.field("LastName", "Harrigan_New");
return result.table.update(query($PersonID ="PersonID"))), record);
}).then(result -> {
return result.table.deleteAll(); // query param can also be used for subset
}, (error:DatabaseError) -> {
// error
personId | firstName | lastName | iconId |
1 | Bob | Barker | 2 |
2 | Ian | Harrigan | 3 |
iconId | path |
1 | icon1.png |
2 | icon2.png |
3 | icon3.png |
db.defineTableRelationship("Person.iconId", "Icon.iconId");
db.connect().then(result -> {
return result.database.table("Person");
}).then(result -> {
return result.table.find(query($personId = 2));
}).then(result -> {
return null;
}, (error:DatabaseError) -> {
// error
return null;
Person.personId | Person.firstName | Person.lastName | Person.iconId | Person.Icon.iconId | Person.Icon.path |
2 | Ian | Harrigan | 3 | 3 | icon3.png |
personId | firstName | lastName | iconId |
1 | Bob | Barker | 2 |
2 | Ian | Harrigan | 3 |
organizationId | name | iconId |
1 | haxeui | 2 |
2 | acme org | 1 |
3 | inps | 3 |
personId | organizationId |
2 | 1 |
2 | 3 |
1 | 2 |
iconId | path |
1 | icon1.png |
2 | icon2.png |
3 | icon3.png |
db.defineTableRelationship("Person.personId", "Person_Organization.personId");
db.defineTableRelationship("Person.iconId", "Icon.iconId");
db.defineTableRelationship("Organization.organizationId", "Person_Organization.organizationId");
db.defineTableRelationship("Organization.iconId", "Icon.iconId");
db.connect().then(result -> {
return result.database.table("Person");
}).then(result -> {
return result.table.find(query($personId = 2));
}).then(result -> {
return null;
}, (error:DatabaseError) -> {
// error
return null;
Person.personId | Person.firstName | Person.lastName | Person.iconId | Person.Icon.iconId | Person.Icon.path | Person.Person_Organization.personId | Person.Person_Organization.organizationId | Organization.organizationId | | Organization.Icon.iconId | Organization.iconId | Organization.Icon.path |
2 | Ian | Harrigan | 3 | 3 | icon3.png | 2 | 1 | 1 | haxeui | 2 | 2 | icon2.png |
2 | Ian | Harrigan | 3 | 3 | icon3.png | 2 | 3 | 3 | inps | 3 | 3 | icon3.png |