This project contains Hoare Type Theory libraries which demonstrate a series of design patterns for programming with canonical structures that enable one to carefully and predictably coax Coq's type inference engine into triggering the execution of user-supplied algorithms during unification, and illustrates these patterns through several realistic examples drawn from Hoare Type Theory. The project also contains typeclass-based re-implementations for comparison.
- Author(s):
- Georges Gonthier (initial)
- Beta Ziliani (initial)
- Aleksandar Nanevski (initial)
- Derek Dreyer (initial)
- Coq-community maintainer(s):
- Anton Trunov (@anton-trunov)
- License: GNU General Public License v3.0 or later
- Compatible Coq versions: 8.16 or later (use releases for other Coq versions)
- Additional dependencies:
- Hierarchy Builder 1.5.0 or later
- MathComp 2.0.0 or later (
- Coq namespace:
- Related publication(s):
The easiest way to install the latest released version of Lemma Overloading is via OPAM:
opam repo add coq-released
opam install coq-lemma-overloading
To instead build and install manually, do:
git clone
cd lemma-overloading
make # or make -j <number-of-cores-on-your-machine>
make install
The Coq source files mentioned in the paper How to make ad hoc proof automation less ad hoc, Journal of Functional Programming 23(4), pp. 357-401, are described below. See also the coqdoc presentation of the files from the latest release.
This file contains the indomR lemma from Section 3 "A simple overloaded lemma"
These files prove the cancelR
lemma from Section 4 "Reflection: Turning
semantics into syntax". The first one contains the abstract syntax for heaps
along with the lemma cancel_sound
. xfind.v
has the xfind structure
to find an element in a list, return its index, and extend the list if the
element is not found. The file cancel.v
has the main overloaded lemma cancelR
Finally, cancelD.v
contains the simplify
lemma from section 4.3 and cancel2.v
contains an alternative version of the cancellation function without using
File containing a whole bunch of overloaded lemmas to automate the verification of imperative programs using Hoare Type Theory. The main technicalities in this file are covered in Section 5 "Solving for functional instances".
File containing all the automated lemmas described in Section 6 "Flexible composition and application of overloaded lemmas".
The files below didn't make it to the paper but deserve attention.
This file contains an adapted example from VeriML (Stampoulist and Shao), to automatically prove propositions in a logic with binders.
Verification of a linked list datatype using the "step" overloaded lemma described in Section 5.2.
There are several ways to attack a problem.
Some of them lead to interesting but yet not entirely satisfactory results.
Here are two versions of the noalias
overloaded lemma with a different look.
These files contains the same automated lemmas as in the files indom
, cancel
and stlogR
, but done with Coq Type Classes.
The files not mentioned above are part of the HTT library, introduced in the paper Structuring the Verification of Heap-Manipulating Programs, Proceedings of the Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL) 2010, pp. 261-274.