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This is a library for generating common-lisp clients from OpenAPI v3 specifications.


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This is a fork of library for generating common-lisp clients from OpenAPI v3 specifications.

This project is new, and although I believe it may be useful now, there are some caveats.

  1. The code has only been tested on Linux with SBCL. It is intended to be tested with other Lisp implementations.
  2. The generated code has not been tested very broadly, nor deeply.
  3. There are not very many unit tests written yet.
  4. This library is not yet in quicklisp. It will be.
  5. The code is not yet in it’s final shape. I will not be accepting PRs until I’m happy with its shape. I am, however, very happy to receive readability PRs in the meantime.
  6. There is no guarantee of backwards compatibility until the first major release is done (probably v2.0.0 to coincide with OpenAPI v2).

How to Work with the Sourcecode

You can compile the project by running: make openapi2cl.

You can test the project by running make test.

How to Generate Code

The library currently exports four functions:


If you’re intending to generate files, you most likely wish to use the with-directory-generate-files function. You can either pass it a pathname to a single file, or a pathname that matches multiple files, and it will generate .lisp files along-side these files. Here’s an example which generates files for all the YAML files in a directory:

(openapi2cl/core:with-directory-generate-files #P"~/api/*.yaml")

This library currently supports YAML and JSON.

How to Utilize the Generated Code

openapi2cl will generate a client and a list of methods. The client holds information you may wish to override; these variables are set with sensible defaults when possible. The only member-variable on the client you must set is :http-request which is called when HTTP requests are necessary.

You will also likely want to populate the encoder-from-media-type hash-table with functions that understand how to encode common-lisp values into the requisite media-type.

(ql:quickload 'yason)
(ql:quickload 'drakma)

(defun make-http-request (uri &key method additional-headers content-type content parameters multipart-params)
  (drakma:http-request uri
                       :method method
                       :additional-headers additional-headers
                       :content-type content-type
                       :parameters (append parameters multipart-params)
                       :content content))

(defun main (username password)
  (let ((client (make-instance 'my-client
                               :http-request #'make-http-request)))
    (setf (gethash "json" (encoder-from-media-type client))
          (lambda (e) (with-output-to-string (s) (yason:encode e s))))

    (my-function client "arg1" :my-param "arg2")))

Have a look at the example code.


Is the generated source code also covered by the GPL v3?

No. You are free to license the generated code as you see fit.


This is a library for generating common-lisp clients from OpenAPI v3 specifications.








  • Common Lisp 99.7%
  • Makefile 0.3%