This is a fork of library for generating common-lisp clients from OpenAPI v3 specifications.
This project is new, and although I believe it may be useful now, there are some caveats.
- The code has only been tested on Linux with SBCL. It is intended to be tested with other Lisp implementations.
- The generated code has not been tested very broadly, nor deeply.
- There are not very many unit tests written yet.
- This library is not yet in quicklisp. It will be.
- The code is not yet in it’s final shape. I will not be accepting PRs until I’m happy with its shape. I am, however, very happy to receive readability PRs in the meantime.
- There is no guarantee of backwards compatibility until the first major release is done (probably v2.0.0 to coincide with OpenAPI v2).
You can compile the project by running: make openapi2cl
You can test the project by running make test
The library currently exports four functions:
If you’re intending to generate files, you most likely wish to use the with-directory-generate-files
function. You can either pass it a pathname to a single file, or a pathname that matches multiple files, and it will generate .lisp
files along-side these files. Here’s an example which generates files for all the YAML files in a directory:
(openapi2cl/core:with-directory-generate-files #P"~/api/*.yaml")
This library currently supports YAML and JSON.
will generate a client and a list of methods. The client holds information you may wish to override; these variables are set with sensible defaults when possible. The only member-variable on the client you must set is :http-request
which is called when HTTP requests are necessary.
You will also likely want to populate the encoder-from-media-type
hash-table with functions that understand how to encode common-lisp values into the requisite media-type.
(ql:quickload 'yason)
(ql:quickload 'drakma)
(defun make-http-request (uri &key method additional-headers content-type content parameters multipart-params)
(drakma:http-request uri
:method method
:additional-headers additional-headers
:content-type content-type
:parameters (append parameters multipart-params)
:content content))
(defun main (username password)
(let ((client (make-instance 'my-client
:http-request #'make-http-request)))
(setf (gethash "json" (encoder-from-media-type client))
(lambda (e) (with-output-to-string (s) (yason:encode e s))))
(my-function client "arg1" :my-param "arg2")))
Have a look at the example code.
No. You are free to license the generated code as you see fit.