This contains a collection of demos for Copilot for Java programming language. This is going to be useful for customers who are interested in using Java development with Copilot.
For Java customers, they are likely to use Ecllipse IDE, IntelliJ IDEA, or even variations of Eclipse like Spring Framework IDE more than Visual Studio Code. Unfortunately, Copilot is not available for Eclipse IDE or its variations. However, you can show IntellI IDEA demos to Java customers or simple Java demos to show how Copilot works in Visual Studio Code.
GitHub Copilot is only available for VS Code, Visual Studio IDE, NeoVim, and IntelliJ and GitHub Copilot is not available for Jupyter Notebooks.
Some of these demos can be done with just VS Code, but some advanced demoes are better done using IntelliJ IDEA.
- VS Code for some demo
- IntellI IDEA for some demo
- GitHub Copilot Extension for IntellJ or VS Code Extension for Copilot
See this documentation on how to install Copilot extension for IntelliJ
You want to start with basic one then jump to other ones.
- Getting started - Solving algorithm puzzle - Visual Studio Code
- Test Driven Development (TDD) using Maven and Java through IntelliJ
- Refactoring Java codes through Copilot lab in Visual Studio Code
- Rock, Paper, Scissors game using Java and Copilot in IntelliJ
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