The traffic simulation module contains the classes necessary to run the traffic simulation.
This Jupyter notebook contains all the graphs and data created to demonstrate the ideal speed limit given the simulations constraints.
The advanced module is a modified copy of the traffic simulation module. The main difference is this module allows us to change the chance of a slowdown based on location on the road.
The jupyter notebook contains two main plots which show the position of each vehicle on the 7 kilometer road, for each of the 480 seconds in the simulation. The first plot shows a 10% chance of each car slowing down for the first kilometer. The second plot shows a 90% chance of each car slowing down for the first kilometer. The final section of the notebook displays the average speed and st. dev for each speed limit from 20m/s to 32 m/s.
One can install all necessary dependencies for this module and notebook by running pip3 -r requirements.txt.