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97 lines (68 loc) · 3.68 KB

File metadata and controls

97 lines (68 loc) · 3.68 KB


A simple notes app written in C++17.

Developed within the subject of C++ Programming Language at the AGH University of Science and Technology.


  • New note can be created by clicking add ("+") button, by clicking File => New note or via shortcut Ctrl + N;
  • You can delete your note by clicking remove ("-") button near the note you want to remove;
  • In order to synchronize your local notes with remote server, you need:
    1. Click File => Sign in / up;
    2. Enter your data (email and password) and click Sign in if you have already created an account or Sign up if you haven't;
    3. Now you can sync your notes: click File => Synchronize or sync button in the toolbar;
    4. Now all your notes are synchronized with the server;
  • This app can be used offline (without need to log in), but in that case you won't be able to synchronize your notes.


  1. Firebase (tested with 11.2.0)
  2. Qt 5+ (tested with 5.15.9 and 6.5.1)
  3. QtAwesome (included as submodule)

Note Clone with submodules using the following command:

git clone --recurse-submodules



  1. In order to build this project you need to download & unpack Firebase C++ SDK;
  2. You need to create your own instance of Firebase Realtime Database and generate your own key:
    1. Add Android app
    2. Download google-services.json and place it in SimpleNotes working directory
  3. On Linux most likely it will be necessary to install some additional libraries like libsecret-devel (Fedora)


Qt is used for UI.
Supported versions: Qt5, Qt6.

How to install Qt (Qt6) you can find here (it is enough to install just Desktop gcc 64-bit).


CMake options:

Flag Description Required
FIREBASE_SDK path to unpacked Firebase C++ SDK Yes
CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH path to Qt, e.g. $HOME/Qt/6.5.1/gcc_64/ No, if Qt is installed system wide
mkdir build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DFIREBASE_SDK="$HOME/firebase_cpp_sdk/" -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$HOME/Qt/6.5.1/gcc_64/" -Bbuild -G"Unix Makefiles"
cmake --build build --target simple_notes -- -j 4

Note Do not forget to set valid FIREBASE_SDK and CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH (if needed) values.

The resulting executable: build/simple_notes

Note Do not forget to set correct working directory, i.e. directory in which google-services.json is located. See: Configuring > Firebase section for details.

Warning This project was tested on Linux (Fedora 38) only.



  1. Firebase C++ setup
  2. Firebase C++ reference
  3. Qt 6 reference
  4. Qt 6 Widgets docs


Screenshot Firebase Database Structure